[b]Pitch Black[/b] Pitch listened to the young elf's story with great interest. Story's always fascinated him, particularly the dangerous ones. Every time she mentioned a narrowly-escaped attack, he could feel a smirk grow on his face. He'd always wanted to feel the thrill of it, almost being killed and them BAM he dodges the arrow, blocks the attack, dodges the jab, anything. When she reached the end, he felt himself wanting more. "Wow..." was all he could muster for a while. It was really kind of a sad story. Wonder that she was alive, too. "You know, your awfully lucky to be alive, let alone talkin' to this guy!" he pointed both his thumbs towards himself. She seemed to be happy about talking about it, and so, he supposed, it was a win-win situation. She got it off her chest and he got to hear it. Then, he noticed something. She hadn't mentioned ever getting severely cut in the neck, and there was a pretty decent-sized one crossing over hers. "How 'bout that one? You never mentioned it..." he said slowly. Sure, it was rude, but it was more interesting.