Durandal [hider=C'ran] [b]Name of nation:[/b] The Holy Dominion of C'ran [b]Species:[/b] Sakari [img=http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/SirVesuvius/rsz_2malekith__advanced__by_yuuva-d6tk69v_zps17481be5.png] The Sakari are a long-lived species, the average lifespan being, even without the technological advancements that would allow extension beyond biological means, approximately 200 years. Due to the harshness with which their planet developed, Sakari have become naturally resistant but not immune to certain toxic gasses. Able to breath in atmospheres of both oxygen and carbon dioxide, Sakari can survive on many worlds without breathing apparatus in constant use. About the same height and build as a person, their skin takes a bluish tinge from chemicals on their homeworld, with not enough time having passed for those in outer colonies to have lost the pigmentation. Eye color is normally a blue iris with black pupils. [b]Description of government:[/b] The Holy Dominion of C'ran has a governmental system typical of many theocratic empires, especially more fanatical ones. There is no official constitution, rather decrees have accumulated over the many thousands of years, forming a basis for the current government. It has remained relatively unchanged for the past thousand years since the beginning of the Age of Unity. The Dominion is based on the principal of central control by the Dominion government. While principalities are provided autonomy to a small degree, many decisions come directly from the frameworks of the central government. Voting does not exist on a state-wide level, but does exist in the principalities, each of which (29 principalities total) elects ten representatives to manage dealings between the limited principality governments and that of the central government. People become part of the government either through appointment or passing qualifications. [u]Legislative/Executive Branch:[/u] Executive and Legislative functions are both served by the same body, the Concilan Dominitatus, or Council of the Dominion. While this name specifically applies to the group heading the Ross Federach (Federal Branch) it has come to mean the entire body. A sprawling, bureaucracy-choked morass, the Ross Federach oversees the day to day administration of the Dominion. Provided with effectively limitless power, only the Judiran Tempal (Templar Judicator) reserves the ability to overturn any decision made by the Federach, even decrees directly from the Concilan Dominitatus. As a group, the Concilan Dominitatus is representative of the most intelligent people in the government. Raised to the position of Conciliar only after at least 100 years of service in the central government and having been subjected to a thorough investigation, the 29 members are the supreme power of the nation just under the Tempals and Morval, leader of the Dominion. War can only be declared by the Concilan Dominitatus, the only case in which a group or individual holds more power than Morval in a matter. [u]Judicial Branch:[/u] Known as the Judicatus Corsys (Assembly of Judges), their job is more akin to that of an Inquisitor than a judge. Despite this rather grim undertaking, they are hailed by most as heroes of the Dominion, halting threats internal and external before they appear. A closed group of Judiran Tempals (Templar Judicators) marks the highest rank of the Judicatus Corsys with entrance requirements even more stringent than that of the Concilan Dominitatus. Conducting domestic and foreign intelligence is the main priority of their job, but most of the lower ranks do serve in the capacity of judges, providing sentences and addressing disputes over law.[/hider] [hider=Planetary Forces] The Oberum Costaro Milita, Military High Command in English, is the center of all C'ran military operations across their space, both naval and ground-based. They have a coordinated operational doctrine with the other systems of the government, allowing them to ensure access to supplies as well as avoiding disruption of important matters. Other than strictly military operations, they can conduct disaster relief and building projects which they are quite skilled at doing. Led by a board of the highest ranking generals, the High Seer Al'za Kail can be granted full control. Separate from yet under jurisdiction of The Costaro are the Special Operations and Extranatural Divisions. The C'ran military has almost no fighters and armor, making them heavily infantry reliant. To counteract this disparity when going against other states with such forces C'ran has developed special techniques to prevail. The C'ran Expeditionary Units form around 40% of all C'ran military forces. As a normal military force, they are tasked with conducting many of the normal operations that such units would do. Because of their extensive training before deployment, including live fire and simulation exercises, everyone is service ready. However, they also conduct civic operations, including disaster relief when other branches cannot get there and construction projects that require the resources of government personnel. [u]Augmentations and Implants[/u] Psychic Dampener- This small chip is planted in the brain when recruits finish combat training. While a normal device would induce psychic abilities in the user, this chip instead makes the person highly resistant to many psychic effects as well as a few psionic ones. Neural Network- While all C'ran personnel have small chips that allow them to access technological information upon interfacing with an object, the neural network takes a step beyond that. In effect a computer, it handles many of the bodily processes as well as monitoring them. Because of this fact, it allows the body to integrate with other augmentations much more easily. Implanted early in the first year of training, the network can store various types of information as well as access technological objects remotely. While mainly centered around the neural chip and web on the brain, small wires travel throughout the person's body, increasing reaction time greatly. Chyadris Implant- A recent development in augmentative technology, the Chyadris implant has changed the way the military functions fundamentally. Interfaced with the psychic dampener and neural network to protect the device from intrusions, the Chyadris allows a person to submit their body to a hive control mechanism with their permission, another safeguard. Because of the hive control function, military units can function in perfect coordination as well as receive information almost instantaneously from other units. Ceramite and Synthetic Bonding- The most invasive of all the implants, this is worked in once the soldier finishes their second year of advanced combat training. Bones are infused with an organic ceramic compound, making them seven times stronger than normal bones. In addition, synthetic accelerators are placed throughout the muscle system, doubling the recipient's already considerable strength. Pretalorphin- A chemical developed by C'ran scientists, the purpose of this augmentation is to change the cell structure of the body. The first effect is mutating the cells so that they become chlorophyllic in nature, allowing the recipient to sustain themselves for weeks without food. Secondly, it enhances the cell's carrying capacity and anti-external properties, boosting overall performance. A final effect is affording psionic powers to the recipient, albeit limited ones. These powers are cloaking, a speed-enhancement, telekinesis, and shielding. [u]Weapons[/u] MAm-3 Antimatter DMR MPr-1 Particle Sniper MDr-55 Disruptor Assault Rifle MKn-17 Railgun MDm-29 Dark Matter DMR Shoulder-Mounted Rocket System (Gravitonic, Fell, Magefire) Heavy Machine-gun (Disruptor, Kinetic) Gun Drone Deployable Cannon (Anti-matter, Particle) [u]Enlisted Uniform:[/u] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/014/9/b/heavy_infantry_manticore_by_alexpascenko-d726a84.jpg] The uniform worn by Enlisted personnel is simple, relatively unadorned, and made for nothing other than a covering. Made of synthetic materials with kinetic and heat-resistant properties, the uniform can work as light body armor under an assault. As a one-piece uniform, military personnel use this uniform as their basic clothing option, wearing it as a badge of pride for their service to the C'ran people. A silvery color, the fiber is metallic in look and zips across the back. To distinguish ranks, personnel wear badges on the collar. The only other adornments are unit patches on the arms and ribbons on the chest to indicate what awards they have received and which operations they have taken part in. Rank insignias are stitched in navy blue. [u]Enlisted Body Armor:[/u] C'ran enlisted personnel wear an exo-suit, in effect power armor. Completely encasing the body, all suits are usable in vacuum and can shield the user from radiation temporarily. The suit is modular in design, conforming close to the body. Powered by small quantum reactors the size of fists, all suits feature shields, a HUD, radar, communications suite, range finder, cloaking module, jump-jet device, servo enhancers, infrared and ultraviolet vision, and EMP hardened systems. Composed of a holon super-alloy with trace amounts of ratheum and a ceramite covering, the suit is extremely resistant to all forms of attack even without shields. External equipment is attached to the suit via magnetic strips or molecular bonders. Ranks are distinguished via the HUD so it is not apparent to the enemy who leads. [u]Officer Uniform:[/u] The officer uniform is completely identical to the enlisted uniform except in the areas of rank insignias, which are worn on the shoulders and chest as well as the collar, and color, which is black compared to the enlisted silver. Rank insignias are stitched in white. [u]Officer Body Armor:[/u] Identical to the enlisted body armor, these suits feature a few additional pieces of equipment. The command module allows the officer to direct his or her forces. In addition, these suits have psionic dampeners installed, shielding those in a small area from psionic effects. More ratheum is used in these suits so as to make them stronger and lighter, but as such makes them more expensive. An x-ray vision and portal module are included as well. --- Branches of the Dominion Military Dominar Expeditorum Milita (C'ran Army- Approximately 28 billion personnel) Dominar Volus Milita (C'ran Flight Units- Approximately 42 billion personnel) --- Rank Structure of the Milita: [u]Junior Enlisted:[/u] Private Specialist Lance Sergeant Sergeant Corporal [u]Senior Enlisted/NCO:[/u] Petty Officer 2nd Class Petty Officer 1st Class Chief Petty Officer Master Chief Petty Officer Warrant Officer Commissar [u]Aspiring Officer:[/u] Ensign Lieutenant Junior Grade [u]Junior Officers:[/u] Lieutenant Captain Major [u]Senior Officers:[/u] Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Commander Force General Army Sovereign Lord Commissar Chairmen of the Oberum Costaro Milita High Seer Arcaness[/hider] [hider=Naval Forces] [img=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2010/ozan_c/ozan_01.jpg] [u]Cantarin-class Battlecruiser[/u]: The mainstay ship of the C'ran navy, these vessels resemble works of art more than anything else. Despite their apparent frailty, they are very heavily armored through extensive over-lapping shielding systems, designed to act as the front-line fighters of the C'ran navy. Weapon ports, in the forms of long-range particle beams and magnet-accelerated weaponry, medium range energy projectors, and short range plasma and anti-matter missiles, remain hidden under the paneling. Kinetic-based point-defense systems are situated along most of the ship, utilizing combat-mixes of high-explosive and armor-piercing ammunition. Fighter bays are located in the frontal and dorsal node, holding such craft mainly for deployment to planets and occasional use against other spacecraft. Despite their famed nature in the Dominion, these ships are aging. Updates can't solve all problems. [img=http://wallpoper.com/images/00/30/67/27/shadow-of_00306727.jpg] [u]Altar-class Troop Carrier[/u]: Utilizing similar artistic forms as that of older space-faring vessels, the Altar-class is purpose-built for its role as a multi-role unit. Equipped with manufacturing plants, troops bays and hangers, full hospitals and living quarters, deployable buildings, science labs, and a wide-array of weapons- albeit less than on the Cantarin-class battlecruiser- this ship can fulfill any role required through add-ons and modification. (Yes, 'tis a Halo pic.) [img=http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/SirVesuvius/novus_aeterno___verunas_fortress_class_by_phoenix_06-d4q5llt_zps4a68f42e.jpg] [u]Dasius-class Dreadnought[/u]: Designed to replace the aging Cantarin battlecruisers, the Dasius dreadnought departs in design from other ships, instead becoming straight and sleek. As in the Cantarin class, the Dasius has most of its weapon bays hidden inside compartments until needed. Featuring much the same array of weaponry, the Dreadnought places emphasis on disruptor and missile weaponry than the Cantarin, allowing the ship to serve the role of fire support. Able to deploy massive amounts of firepower, these ships keep enemy units suppressed through massive volumes of weapons fire. No hangar bays exist on the Dasius, all available space being given over to weaponry, armor, and shielding. In addition, the Dasius is the first craft to feature gravitonic weapons, firing singularity bombs that exert a massive gravitational pull upon detonation, although this is reserved more for stationary targets as it is not very effective against ships, or space for the most part. [u]Project Gideon[/u]: Oi, no touching that! It ain't ready yet. [img=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/10/900x543_3148_Flight_2d_sci_fi_fighter_aircraft_picture_image_digital_art.jpg] [u]Orbast Flyer[/u]: The Orbast flyer is one of only two non-ship aerial units used in the C'ran military. A recent development after the Dasius dreadnoughts, the Orbast sports shielding, visual cloaking, and extensive sensor arrays. Designed mainly for ground support, it can nonetheless hold its own in space combat despite the in-atmosphere design. [img=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0f/ca/9d/0fca9db00835a844d05120c6029b430a.jpg] [u]Zeuros Troop Transport Craft[/u]: The Zeuros is the newest in the line of C'ran vehicles. Designed for situations that require large numbers of troops in areas inaccessible to the Altar-class carrier, the Zeuros holds almost no weapons. Equipped with an advanced cloaking system for stealth operations, it is even installed with a small time-dilation device, though this is used rarely since three seconds of use will drain the ship's core. [img=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/47/1236x800_9363_A_I_M_Dropship_2d_sci_fi_spaceship_picture_image_digital_art.jpg] [u]Hronathi Dropship[/u]: Designed alongside the Orbast flyer, the Hronathi replaced older model troop carrier craft after the most recent conflict, realizing that such craft required more protection and weaponry than previously had been installed, allowing the vehicle to both secure the drop zone and provide support to friendly forces. Highly maneuverable, the craft has proved its use despite the short time in service. [/hider] [hider=Technological Overview] The Dominion prides itself on being on of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy by their own measures. While not common, magical and psionic devices can be seen in use by collectors or specialists. [u]Primary Tech: FTL Travel:[/u] C'ra has developed an extremely advanced form of faster-than-light travel, which works on the basis of both manipulating space-time and going outside of it. Spurred by the need to escape a collapsing star in their home system, they combined various technologies in an attempt to discover something. They succeeded. Through constant development and innovation, the C'ran have managed to reach their current stage of FTL travel: The anti-space warp drive. Allowing them to cross Andromeda in 30 minutes, the device works by first creating an Alcubierre Metric, or extending the space behind the craft while shortening the area in front. This alone allows travel faster-than-light. Secondly, it creates a bend in space which allows two locations to be brought closer together in a relativistic sense. Because of this, they can use it for in-system travel as easily as trans-galactic travel. On long journeys, such as a trans-galactic travel, warp field will be opened into another dimension known as the Fell Plane. While dangerous to some degree, it allows for distances to be crossed much faster. While 30 minutes is the minimum speed, that only applies to selective military vessels. Standard travel time for an average ship would be closer to two days. To achieve such speeds severely endangers the ship; 90% of tests have resulted in the complete annihilation of the ship. [u]Secondary Tech: Time Dilation Manipulation:[/u] Among the studies in the early period of the Meritocracy was space travel. It was determined that travelling at relativistic speeds would cause distortions in time, causing those in the object to age more slowly than those outside. This would create problems, as fluctuations in population and age distribution would be constantly occurring. To solve this problem, researchers began studying means of time manipulation through physical means. While time was subject to the whims of mages, not everyone could manifest these powers; even then, only powerful ones could do such a thing. With the discovery of the Fell Plane, great advances were made in this. Using energy from this dimension, it was possible to change the flow of time in a particular area to a small degree. As technology advanced, it was made quite common to implant these time devices on ships. Now, virtually all ships have these devices on them, and some have access to prototypes that are wieldable by a single-person. [u]Tertiary Tech: Molecular Recombination:[/u] C'ran molecular recombination works on the basis of nuclear fusion and fission, as well as other basic quantum means. While still in a fledgling state, the Sakari have long worked on manipulating individual atoms and molecules. This is viewed as the next step. Rather than having to use large, elaborate machines to conduct these things, the experimental Molecular Recombination Device, or MRD, would allow such processes to be done anywhere. The impact of such an advent would be astounding, allowing factories and even individual people to produce anything they want. However, power and miniaturization problems currently prevent the technology from being fully developed.[/hider] [hider=Cultural Overview] [center]Faithfulness, Righteousness, Truthfulness[/center] [center][indent]-The Aradan Creed[/indent][/center] [u]Overview:[/u] The Sakari culture values athleticism and fidelity above anything else. Competitions are a common sight and, while respected and conducted often, remain private affairs between the competitors. Results are only released if both groups agree to such an action. Sakari architecture is designed to complement the surrounding area rather than dominate it. Buildings are shaped with curves and natural materials and powered by renewable sources. Those near mountainous or hilly areas are tall and slim, while those in flatter regions follow the gentle slope of the land, curving around natural areas. Clothing is simple yet elegant, designed to monitor health via small telemetry sensors. Made out of synthetic fibers, each style is specific to a family or guild, with color, marking, and cut denoting certain achievements, relations, or status. Food takes a similar approach as architecture, utilizing subtle herbs to accentuate the natural flavor of the main meals. Meals are always provided as one large serving as each dish is meant to complement the whole. Art is quite prevalent in Sakari culture, most often displayed in the mode of sculpture or music/dancing. Artists are respected throughout the Dominion, given higher social standing than most other people. Military members and religious figures hold the highest standing of all. [u]Magic:[/u] Magic is only available to a select few that display extraordinary will. With this will comes the ability to bend the universe to their will. The most commonly practiced magic is astral projection and ritual circles, with these users serving in positions of power that allow them to use their abilities to their fullest extent. Recently, magic has been harnessed in such a way that technological creations can create simple magical effects. This works only with the presence of certain materials that resonate closely with the World Source, the Sakarian name for the universal source that bestows magic upon users. [u]Religion:[/u] The official religion of the Dominion, also the one followed by practically every single inhabitant, is that of the Aradan Creed. Named after Morval's home planet, Morval himself has been regarded as a god for a millennium. Such an event occurred because Morval displayed seeming immortality, living for thousands of years yet remaining hidden until the Era of Darkness. In addition to his immortality, his immense psychic and magical presence far surpasses that of any in the known history of the Sakari. Legend has it that Morval descended to assist the Sakari in becoming leaders of the galaxy. Morval does nothing to dispel this cult which has arisen, yet neither does he seem to fully support it. Holidays occur rarely but last for several days at a time, a time of celebration for various reasons. While there are massive centers of public worship, most eschew this to conduct pilgrimages or private worship with family and friends.[/hider] [hider=History] The Sakari people were born in one of the outer areas of the Andromeda galaxy, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Living on a hostile planet of ice and fire, the early Sakari struggled to survive, limited in development. It took three hundred thousands years for the world population to go above ten million, but once it did so, it exploded. Technological advancements were made rapidly as Sakari congregated to the cities, seeking shelter from the harsh world. Large city states were formed, connected by trade and tourism, though this second was small due to the planet's climate. In quick time, a two thousand years after the invention of the wheel, the Sakari built their first space craft. Delegates from around the world came to view the launch of the shuttle, only to find, in horror, the shuttle explode in mid-air, sabotaged by extremists that desired the destruction of the city state which had first built the ship. An uneasy investigation followed, uncovering two people who would not divulge the other members of their group. Case was closed quickly and dismissed. It would be another six hundred years before the first colonists reached the nearest star as fear of another attack inhibited development. Contact was lost with the colony but as it would take years with current drives an expedition was scrapped. No other vessels were launched until the travel time between the nearest star had been reduced to a week, an endeavor which took three hundred years of development among all the city-states. When retried, the colony was successfully established and the remains of the original expedition given a world-publicized return. With success visible to all, settlers quickly spread among the stars, some claiming victory while others disappeared into the void of space, never to be seen again. Two thousand years before the current date, the Sakari people experienced an event known simply as The Reckoning. A collapse of a star near the home system, Saresh, tore open dimensional barriers for hundreds of light years in all directions, releasing massive amounts of radiation as a side effect. With this came confusion and conflict, engulfing the fledgling nation of C'ra in strife for a millenia. As the war died down, the Covenant of Lara was reached, ending the tensions between the different peoples. At this point, the the Holy Dominion of C'ran was established in a wave of religious fanaticism as one man rose above all others in war and in peace: Morval. Elected by those presents to be a divine ruler, he has led the nation of C'ran to this day. Until recently, the Dominion has remained in apparent isolation, biding their time until they deemed themselves ready to venture out into the world. The Sakari have met plenty of other species in their travels among the stars, great cultures of war, intellect, and art. Only a Sakari hegemony remains for the Morval Doctrine is short, simple, and unchangeable: There can be none but the Sakari.[/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [u]Population-[/u] 3.1 trillion [u]Currency-[/u] Dranna, trentium (230 to one dranna)