Okay, so first off, before I give my ideas and/or pairings, should say that this will be an advanced roleplay. We should all know what advanced means so I feel no need to elaborate on the definition. Also, I will say that with these roleplays there will be some mature scenes so I really ask you be of an older age(17+). Now, onto the topics. The Bachelor♡ My first idea is one I REALLY want to do and I don't know why. It just seems interesting because I've never done anything like it before I suppose. Anyway, I was watching this show called the Bachelor on ABC this past Monday and I got pretty much sucked into all that was going on. For those who don't know the bachelor is a show where they pick one man and a certain number(usually 20-35) to stay in a mansion all together, where the man will get to know the girls and eliminate the ones who doesn't want to be with until he finds the one he wants to marry/date long term. SO, I wish to do an rp based on the idea of the bachelor. This could really go anywhere. We could have it be a realistic modern, a realistic old timey roleplay with royalty, a modern fantasy role with all sorts of supernatural and fantasy creatures, or even a roleplay with maybe the contestants being aliens from different planets. The sky is the limit. Literally. Like I said, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to do this one and will love to find someone who really wants to do it as well. This will be one of the ones I plan to have mature scenes in because if you've seen the Bachelor, then you know all that goes down during the competitions. PrincexWitch roleplay This one is pretty simple. Its basically a young witch who is staying with her mother in the woods, away from human kind. She has been taught all her life that humans are evil and such, yet she remains curious about the humans and even secretly wishes to become human herself. Well, one day, when out of her mother's overprotective and watchful eyes, she sneaks away from their cottage into the woods and while exploring in the woods comes across a young man, who happens to be human and a prince. Soon a romance starts between them, but of course her mother won't have that and neither will the humans from the kingdom who claim all witches must be killed. Okay, so I'm not good at writing plots XD You see where this is going. Think of it like a dark version of Disney with romantic tension. These next ones are basically just pairings(well maybe one or two have plots, but I'm too tired to write them right now. PM me for them if interested). AtlantianBoyxAtlantianGirl(Atlantis:TheLostEmpireInspired) Genderbent Pocahontas Civil War Solider x Girl British Solider x Colonist Girl PM me and let me know if you are interested in anything I have listed.