Species: Pravdian Description of government: Single Party State. The Great Peoples Party reinforces the great ideals of equality and prosperity by recruiting only from the ranks of the peoples military and leads the nation through a congress where all members are granted an equal vote save for the party leader who is granted half the votes of the rest of congress. Description of military: The proud People’s Army is the second most important institution in the UoCFPDSR. Mandatory for all individuals fifteen and up for a minimum term of twenty years the organization serves as the economic and technological backbone of the nation. The Army is composed of one Grand Division per planet and is in a constant state of expansion as is necessitated by the Unions vast military industrial complex. As a result often planetary military leaders are judged by the size of their armed forces. Technological Overview: Instant Printing Instant or “flash” printing is a sort of 3D printing where all construction is done in less than one millisecond. Instant Printers are a common sight in all civilian and military aspects of Union space and are used for everything from food to munitions. Instant printers are not the most advanced construction technology in Union space but they generally are the most widely used as their simplicity makes them easy to use and easy to fix compared to significantly more advanced machinery. Nanomachine “Paint” While commonly called paint the Nanomachine coating used in Union construction is something significantly more potent. It is a coating of specialized Nanomachines that after being added to a materiel can manipulate it and itself to self-construct the rest of a larger structure in the presence of other coated parts. As a result Union ships can self-repair; using Nanomachine paint to replace parts destroyed by battle or if the damage is very extensive cannibalize other unimportant parts to make more Nanomachine paint to fix the important ones. Nanomachine paint however is used in a smaller civilian role too, all construction not covered by printing has been supplemented by “part dumping” and allowing Nanomachine paint to quickly assemble the parts. This has made Union industry extremely efficient. Local Absorption Shield: The Absorption Shield is a Union state secret and the primary defense on all their vessels. Acting as an energy sponge the shield absorbs all the kinetic or direct energy put into it until it reaches full capacity and falls in a powerful discharge of energy. The energy discharge would be a catastrophic explosion if not for limiters making it a slower process of constant discharge. The Shield can be brought back up after this, but not until a suitable time has passed for the energy banks to entirely discharge. Local shields work by the shield being a multi-layered construct, with one large general shield over the ship’s hull and one to two shields above this that only activate after an incoming threat is detected, minimizing strain on the main shield and providing a sort of means to maintain the main shield’s integrity through extended battle by the first and second layers discharging and covering for each other if there are two outer layers. If the incoming fire is not concentrated this means of taking the damage and discharging while the other shield takes the hits can be maintained indefinitely so long as the shield has local outer layers. As a result volume of fire and concentrated fire are the most effective means of countering absorption shields of two local layers. Single local layer shields are more vulnerable to large singular hit weapons that can drop the local shield and leave the general layer exposed, however if the volume of fire is too low from even a large weapon the general shield and the local shield can swap out similarly to the two local shield system. This however leaves the ship proper exposed to fire for a split second. Currently three shield layers, two local and one general, is the effective maximum before energy discharges of the first layers begin to influence the general layer and cause a drop of all shields. Modular Local Absorption Shield: A variant of the systems used on ships, walkers and medium to large mechs often make use of the M-LAS as it is called. Lacking any general shield the M-LAS operates with only a low power version of the first local shield used on ships. Activating to intercept incoming munitions the M-LAS operates identically to its larger ship borne counterpart, however lacking a general shield the M-LAS is more vulnerable to sneak attack or mines, if the attack cannot be anticipated an impact against the armour of the mech or walker is unavoidable. The M-LAS however encounters a problem less present in space, the energy discharge. The M-LAS as a result can run in two modes, a common mode that flares the energy into the sky when the M-LAS reaches maximum, this can obviously reveal a combatants position. The second mode deactivates the M-LAS at 99% capacity; this is risky as a hit to the M-LAS would result in a massive energy dump. However this mode is still somewhat popular among risk takers as mech and walker pilots have been known to use the M-LAS as a bomb in this mode, giving them another munition if they are in trouble. Usually however the M-LAS is simply dumped or thrown far away after it reaches 99% in this mode when it is used by the general soldier. Neutron Cannon: The Neutron Cannon is a powerful energy weapon that works though a simple means. Stripping neutrons from high atomic number elements through the use of a powerful Neutron generator and forcing those highly concentrated neutrons as well as the associated products into an accelerator that fires them at relativistic speeds. The Neutrons in this state are free and as a result they are underdoing neutron decay further increasing the impact energy of the weapon. Despite its already fearsome potential the Neutron Cannon has another secret, by pumping the gamma rays created during the stripping process into a Graser and focusing them into a containment beam the Neutron Cannon gains increased focus and coherence as well as a secondary beam. Needless to say this increases the precision and destructive potential of the weapon significantly. There also exists another type of Neutron cannon in use with the Union, this one utilized on the ground. In this smaller mounted weapon the same process as is used on ships is utilized. High atomic mass elements are stripped of neutrons and the cannon accelerates the free neutrons and other products while the graser contains the beam. However the difference in the ground variant is obvious enough, the destructive potential is considerably reduced simply because the beam must be slower and smaller in order to stay within power generation capacity. While the weapon is less useful than others in some atmospheres the other weapons used by the Union army more than compensate. FTL Inhibition System A field generator installed on every ship is able to form a large bubble within which any ships exiting FTL are hit by an enormous energy feedback due to interference from the field. This feedback immense and proportional to the energy generation capabilities of the affected ship, the result is without fail complete destruction of the offending vessel. The device is largely used in battles to maintain formations and on occasion as a weapon if the exit location of an enemies FTL window is known in precise detail. Mental Interference Device This simple device can be mounted on missiles or ships and projects a field that causes an excruciating pain resulting from every pain receptor firing at once to users of psychic, psionic, or “magical” abilities when said abilities are used within its radius of effectiveness, magic use attempting to circumvent that restriction usually initiates a worsening of the effect where other nerves are fired, often causing heart failure. Used as a frontline defense both on the ground and in space against races with abnormal abilities the MID has a long history of success. Exotic Matter Generational Device This machine affectionately known as “Mad Bobushka” is a killer for any massive body like a planet. Generating vast amounts of random exotic matter whose interactions with conventional matter cause unpredictable and devastating effects the machine only shuts down when the reaction reaches a maximum, by this point the damage to most planetary bodies is irreversible. Cultural Overview: All cultural aspects of the Union are focused on spreading the dream of peace and equality. The military serves as the heart of culture moving forth as a valiant sword to cut away the capitalist and structured societies of lesser states and replace them with the great message of quality for all and that all people work for a nation that works for them, anything that benefits the nation benefits the people. This is taken very seriously and has become almost religious as a belief due to generations of teachings. History: The Union began when the Pravdian empire, a society rich with injustice and ruled by monarchs underwent the Great Peoples Revolution. The empire began to collapse under the popular evolution almost immediately and soon the great Chancellor leader of the party was the only ruler the people would salute. Though the early days of the Union were hard soon the grand army rose and times became a serious of great wars, the dream of continuing the revolution was alive. Now the Union is vast and commands many species and systems and on occasion goes to war to liberate the oppressed proletariat and incorporate another race into the fold. Other: None