Alright, let's see if these work: Name: Sylvester Simmons Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]"It's no use."[/url] Canon, AU, or OC?: OC Universe of Origin: Marvel Universe Personality: Shiro is rather innocent to the idea of being a mutant or the racial backlash of being one. Instead, having the mindset that he was gifted with it like his favorite superheroes, the Fantastic Four. As such, he doesn't fight to kill, but rather to incapacitate and is always for doing the right thing for the greater good, even if it means sacrificing himself in the process. He doesn't care about who anyone is truly, as his mom taught him that humans are all the same no matter what they are. Abilities/Weapons: Shiro, as a mutant, has the power of limited telekensis. What that means is that he is able to lift and throw small objects with his mind. Small objects, as in he can't lift people or anything bigger than 25 grams. However, he is able to fling what he can levitate at fast speeds. His weapon of choice are acupuncture needles, as when thrown, they can hurt like daggers, though they won't be fatal. He inherits his mother's skill for acupuncture therapy and knows where pressure points are. Backstory: Sylvester was born at a time during great strife. People were freaking out over a strange spike in the human gene that can cause humans to gain strange and bizarre powers. However, Slyvester's town wasn't near all the major battles with these aptly named Mutants. Still, fear loomed on. Sylvester's mom was not one of these fearmongers though. In fact, she actively opposed such accusations. She taught her son that even though there would be some bad mutants looming around, there are also good mutants. In short, she said: 'Think of the Mutants like you see Superheroes and Supervillains.' Perhaps it was that wording that charted the fate of Slyvester, true believer, for he awed at the idea. For his thirteenth birthday, he secretly wished to be a mutant... He got his wish and wound up teleketically lifting knifes and forks. As soon as his mother realized what happened, she stopped him and began to worry. Sylvester had no idea what was going on, but his mother became desperate in trying to reach someone. Fortunately, someone came to her aid. Rather than a bald, paraplegic man who wanted to teach Sylvester how to control his powers, it was a member of an organization who wanted to have Sylvester use his powers for a wider scale... A multiversal scale. With the promise of saftey and education on his powers, Sylvester was taken into the UMMA where he trained to be a protector of the Multiverse. He still visited his mom every now and then, but knowing that he can be a hero like his idols meant so much to him and he dedicated the rest of his life to helping out when he can. Faction: UMMA Name: Kumon Kaito Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]"Power must be exercised to demonstrate one's strength."[/url] Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon Universe of Origin: Kamen Rider Gaim (circa before Episode 13) Personality: If you have to say one thing that comes out of his mouth, it'll something regarding strength or power. Due to his childhood, Kaito has the belief that those with power will trample over those who don't. Although he's a firm believer of this mantra, he actually hates it for how the weak suffer for it, especially since he was on the recieving end as a kid. That said, he admires those who use their powers responsibly. He hates those who abuse their power and pitys those who let compassion get in the way. Contrary to popular belief, Kaito is a firm believer of knowledge being power, as you need to know what you can do with your powers in order to properly use them. He also believes that there are multiple ways of displaying your strength, such as dancing, playing soccer, and even having the resolve to move on forward and fight for what's right, even if you're crying. Overall, his way of thinking is, what one would say, "awkward". Abilities/Weapons: This is going to be a biggie so I'll chunk it out. Kaito has a Sengoku Driver, a waist-worn device that allows him to cut open padlocks called Lockseeds. With this Driver, he can become [url=]Kamen Rider Baron[/url]. The Driver is locked onto his DNA code, so only he could wear it. It is able to convert Helheim Fruit into Lockseeds to either increase his arsenal or feed himself. It can also be able to, with the help of the Lockseeds, summon human-sized Inves that are controled by Kaito so long as he holds onto the seeds. As for forms, he has... [url=]Banana Arms[/url], which gives him the Banaspear, a banana-based spear. [url=]Mango Arms[/url], which gives him the Mango Punisher, a mango-based mace. And during his time in the Helheim Forest, he gained one more Lockseed and thus one more Arms: [url=]Kiwi Arms[/url], which gives him the Kiwi Gekirin, kiwi-based Wind-and-fire-wheels. Backstory: When he was a child, Kaito enjoyed playing by the large tree by the temple and loved the shrine maiden who danced there. However, that all changed when his father's company was shut down by Yggdrasil and his family wound up poor. Not only that, but Yggdrasil devastated the land, turning the once shining shrine into an abandoned lot. He hated Yggdrasil for this and vowed to one day gain the power needed to topple them, just as they did his father. Due to how poor the family was, he was forced to be in an orphanage where he spent a good while in, as he wanted his own parents to return for him. When he was sixteen, he left, dropped out of highschool, and formed a gang based around the dancing of the Takatsukasa Shrine: Team Baron. This team prioritized in dancing, but eventually moved onto a new craze sweeping his city: Inves Battles. Given a bunch of Lockseeds as part of a deal to move to the inner part of Zawame, Kaito duked it out with several teams, earning stages and Lockseeds in the process. Eventually, one team rose up to rival them: Team Gaim. An ex-member of theirs wound up stumbling upon a device that allowed him to take part of the Inves Games. After seeing this man's power for himself, he got a device of his own and saught to teach this kid how to properly excercize his power. Soon, multiple people gained these devices. It all culminated in an event called the Christmas Games, where everyone who had the device, including a mysterious white armored rider, had to collect the most lockseeds. It ended with Team Gaim winning and a majority of the Riders beaten by the White Armored Rider. After exploiting the weakness of one of the Rider's broken Driver, he wound up in Helheim Forest, lost and having no idea where he went. When he got out, he was in another part of the multiverse. Someone was messing with him, he thought, and whoever that someone is, they will pay dearly. Faction: Factionless