Rui Shinichi | Mirror World [Glam Pitheatre] 12/4/2015 Sun. "Askr!", as the four gigas advanced upon the party, everyone summoned their Personas in response. Immediately two Gigas charged Rui who was in front while the others surrounded and went after Kami and Sachiko. He wasn't going to stand there and wait though, he charged forward himself with Askr right behind, before stopping as Askr brought his blade down slashing at the one closest to the front, before Rui drew his own blade and spun around, slashing at the second one. He didn't have the force of strength like his own Persona possessed against Shadows, but that was okay, this only allowed Askr to follow up on his attack with a swing of it's own. Upon strike, Rui stood upright and did command advance motion, hand out front, as a cutting wind sliced through the Gigas. Though, they were hardy shadows... They didn't go down from this. They simply resumed their charge. A green aura surrounded Rui for a split second, and before they shadows could react, he was dashing right through them while slashing before Askr appeared around each one of them with a barrage of slashes, and pretty soon the two gigas were no more. As Rui turned to the rest of the party, it appears they were done too... Before he could speak, he heard Megumi over the navigation. [i]"Okay, I've found the core of this place... We're not too far away. Just a little more"[/i], she said. Everyone responded in the affirmative and without delay delved deeper into the dungeon. [center]Warakuma Shopping District - Noon[/center] "kids like.... some... little.... why I.... da-... hey y-", from just out of earshot, to this boy, it was just random ramblings, loud, and annoying, not to mention it didn't really paint his age group in a good light. "Oh shut up old man", kid was pissed as hell, or at least he looked it. Glasses and eyes with a mean streak, his hair was a little spiked too, and his uniform seemed a little ruffled. He stepped in front of Sato, pushing him back a bit, albeit somewhat roughly, it looks like this guy wasn't stepping in to save someone. It really looks like he's incredibly pissed. In his hand was a can of juice. "You want another drink? Here's your fucking drink", he just hurled the can right in the man's face, it looked like it hit hard too as it bent a little, and upon impact, orange juice spilled everywhere. "Grrhgh- lousy-", the man went in for a punch, but unfortunately... This kid was not looking for peaceful recourse, he was already a step ahead. The man before he could properly raise his fist, tasted the heel of a pair of 5000 yen shoes as the kid just went for a straight up kick. "Stupid old man... God I've been waiting for a reason to punt this asshole", he commented, cracking his neck a bit. Just note this was in everyone's earshot and vision. As this ended, a police officer was already running at them. "Oh it's you again? Seriously Riku, you had a good record going. No assaults for months!", "Oh yeah I did... Until this guy decided to rant about youth. Hell does he know...", "... I'll let you off this one time, but I see this again I'll take you down to the station", with that, the officer picked up the out-cold man for some treatment. The boy now identified as Riku just sighed, and then he properly noticed Sato. "Hm?... I don't know you... Must be a kid from that other school. Whatever... I've got business to see to", what kind of business this was, Sato can probably only guess... Except all he can really imagine right now is beating up more people. The way he executed that kick was... Expert. Clearly he did a martial art. In any case... Business business...