[center]Eania mission[/center] Collab: Rtron, Freeshooter, and Fallenreaper- Althalus, Grey and Mar. True to his word, the child did nothing as Grey rushed him. However, when Grey’s axe went for him, it twisted in the guardsman’s hands, turning the forward motion straight down. The heavy blade slammed into the ground an inch from the boy’s feet. He smirked at Grey. “My, my, had a change of heart have we? Ah well. I guess since you can’t kill me you’ll have to kill yourself.” Grey’s axe suddenly leapt upwards, twisted towards him, and chopped downwards. To make matters worse, his shield refused to obey as well, darting as far out of the way of the axe as it could. ------------------------------------------------------- Grey cursed inwardly as he felt his weapon suddenly fall downwards, into the ground. Of course, necromancers could animate objects... how stupid of him. He was silent as the boy taunted him, his axe wrenched clean of his hands. He felt a tugging on his shield, but he was strong and the thing was quite well secured to his arm. However, though the force was not significant enough to prevent him from losing hold of it he knew it was suicide to try actually using it... He brought his now empty hand up as the axe chopped down. From the arc of the swing and the way the now animate axe swung, it was clear the kid didn't actually know the proper way to swing the thing, and against a trained and well-armored warrior this was nothing. He brought his gauntlet to it, angled in such a manner that the axe skimmed along it, the force causing it to slide along his armor rather than bite into his flesh as it sailed into the wooden floor with a mighty thunk. He continued his forward momentum as he reached for his throat... ------------------------------------------------------ Mar could be quick, but only when she was standing still. Motion and traveling distances were another matter entirely, her tail unhelpful in the attempt to reach the boy before Grey killed him. Logically, she knew she was likely to be too late. She ignored Althalus's steps coming from behind and pushed herself onwards, ending up on the second floor with some difficulty. She had reached the scene enough to see Grey's hand outreached and stretched for the boy's neck. Meanwhile, the boy seemed to be struggling to focus, his feet backing up to widen the space between him and his attacker. "Enough." Mar hissed, her voice rippled in a volume not usual for her. Her chest was heaving slightly, exhausted from her climb and struggle, while she felt her coils tense if the pair chose not to look at her. Noting Grey's axe had moved on its own, her hand raised then slammed down to embed her weapon into the wood. Even if the boy enchanted it, it would take time to move and likely by then, if this didn't work, he would be dead. The thought made her hurt slightly as Lyn, giggling and happy, floated in her mind then replaced with a far more sorrowful image of her daughter. ----------------------------------------------------------- Althalus resisted going up the stairs before Mar, not sure he would be able to resist just killing the little shit and making an excuse to Mar. However, he knew she'd probably kill him for that, not to mention take away Lyn, so he kept his peace. For now at least. As soon as the struggling pair came into sight, he lifted his crossbow up and aimed it at the kid, ready to fire at the slightest hint of insanity or attempting to kill Mar. Grey could take care of himself, as far as Althalus was concerned. It also wouldn't be a bad thing that there was one less person suspicious, at the very least, of who he had been. The child, on the other hand, kept crawling backwards, desperately trying to simultaneously keep the armor pulling against his assailant while getting the axe to attack from behind. Raw power didn't give him fine, control however, and it was largely an excercise in futility. However, he paused when a loud thunk drew his attention. "I see you couldn't kill me by yourself, so you had to bring your monster and your hired assassin with you, usuper!" He hissed at Grey, before snapping his head to the left and snarling "Shut up father, I claimed this throne by blood right! You were old and infirm! I did what was best for the village!" ----------------------------------------------------- [i][b]"Your... life... ends... here!"[/b][/i] The mercenary growled through gritted teeth as he reached out, his very armor trying to hold im back as he forced his fingers to close around his neck... It would take a while, but with the armor trying to resist him his fingers were like a vice of impending doom, slowly tightening until the point they'd crush his throat. He tensed when he heard his ally tell him to stop... Why? He was so close to ending this nightmare, to bringing justice to those that were slain previously, to save his oher allies, and grant this poor deraged child peace in death, should Gaurot be merciful... He ignoredthe mad ramblings of the 'King' as his grip grew tighter and tighter. [b][i]"I will not.. be played... a fool... again..."[/i][/b] he growled, the sheer effort of resisting his armor keeping him from speaking normally. [i][b]"He... Must... pay..."[/b][/i] He managed to grind out. He was nearly there, just a little more and a quick jerk to the side, and he'd be dead... ------------------------------------------------------- "Grey, he's a child who's lost everything. Scared, frighten and completely confused which explains why he thinks we were sent to attack. This doesn't..." Mar struggled with the words, uncertain of herself when it came to explaning, her features taking on a softer tone. "It doesn't feel right to me. Something is dead wrong, even you can't deny it and the boy is the only one who can say what it is for sure. Mainly to prevent it from happening again to someone else." Seeing Grey edge more to the youth, her look hardened. She knew Althalus had his crossbow out and ready, despite the blood lust into the eyes, which only made her more uncomfortable. Before Grey's hand reached near enough her tail struck. It lashed out and came deliberately slow enough for the man to see it, forced into a choice either to continue his attack or back off. She hope it was the later or else the tail would've landed just shy of hitting him. Striking an ally, even while they failed to listen, wasn't something Mar wanted to do. However it was likely the only way to get both of their attentions. Since it was her tail, she had little worry the boy would've been able to affect it. In addition the attack was aimed more into Grey's direction then the boy's, with a faith the latter would only edge father back and not react. Unless she was required to avoid something, she turned to look at Althalus, for a moment ignoring the boy's ramblings, then asked him a question. Though her look seemed to warn and remain Althalus he was supposed to allow her to try. "Is it possible, even slightly, the boy can hear the voices of his family?" -------------------------------------------------------- Althalus only gave Mar a forced smile at her warning look. It was quite evident he wasn't going to stop Grey on his own free will. "I'll stay true to my word. On the voices, I don't know. It's Necromancy, so maybe. It could also just be a by product of madness. You saw the way into this hallway. It was quite...messy. You know how I feel about this whole ordeal, but I won't interfere. You try to talk him down. I'd suggest now, while he can't scream back at you." The King was evidently trying to say something, but all that came out was a gurgling as words tried to get past Grey's fingers crushing his throat. "I have to say, I prefer him like this." Althalus commented, crossbow unwavering. -------------------------------------------------------- "You would." Mar said bitterly, her eyes narrowed and hard, "As for the help part, you won't be helpful enough even if you did want to." Her instinct, that primal and rather unfamiliar instinct gnawed at her, edging her reaction into restraining Grey for at least time. Time to try to talk sense into the boy or let him be killed. Two sides of herself seemed to snarl and raise, enemy vipers bent on destorying each other even at the cost of themselves which only made her more unsettled. This wasn't how Nagas were taught to be like. She couldn't help but wonder how bipeds could hand the feeling of being tore into half. Namely as it seemed to be ripping her to pieces on the inside. Since Grey seemed to have ignored her tail, Mar shifted it slightly letting it fall near his feet and slithered forward. It would coil about his foot, then legs and continued higher up in an attempt to pry the two apart, trying to rip the man away before his grip was firm enough to stick. "Grey, let me try. Murdering him only solves part of this mystery and killing him doesn't bring those people back. It only saves him from living with the fact he killed them!" ------------------------------------------------------- [i]It's us or him, it's us or him, it's us or him, us or him, us or him...[/i] Repeated endlessly in his mind. It was easy to think of him as a cold, heartless, child-murderer, but this entire situation was rending him to pieces. His emotions screamed to his rational mind, demanding that he not stain his hands with the blood of a child... But he had no choice. The mangled faces of the villagers, the boy's family, but other things as well. Leith, Coco, Athalus, Mar, even the guide they had just met... To allow this child to live is to allow those abominations outside to slay his friends. And it wasn't as simple as Mar had thought. The kid would live with a shattered mind, this was beyond mere guilt. He had none at present, but it would set in... Humankind's fragile minds tended to break, the Naga didn't seem to understand this. There was no time to talk either, with the child's power he would soon find an object to murder him or even Athalus or Mar with, and he CERTAINLY thought the child was capable of backstabbing them like that... He had to die. To bring justice to his victims, safety to those who yet lived, and peace to the poor deranged boy. He did not enjoy this task, but it had to be him. He would not ask one of the others to bear the burden of murdering a child... No, the guilt would be his and his alone. He felt the tail coil around him, and he felt a little sad. [i]You can't stop me, Mar...[/i] He thought as everything seemed to slow, it was all in complete focus... ...And he loosened his grip, slightly. His hands were still clasped tight around his throat, tight enough to prevent escape. [b]"If he moves, he dies..."[/b] He growled, struggling to both not lose hold of him and not crush too tight. His one eye staring at him in grim determination, projecting every ounce of menace and seriousness he was capable of. ---------------------------------------------- Mar nodded her head in agreement with Grey, then turned to the boy. "You attack in any manner, I let him kill you. Understood?" ----------------------------------------------- Althalus suppressed a sigh of disappointment as the boy nodded his agreement. Clearly, he was hoping suffocation would happen before they got to this point. Regardless, he only moved to the side so Mar wasn't blocking the kid. It was better to keep everything that the necromancer could move to hurt Mar in sight, rather than expose his back to it as well. The boy spoke, thought it was hard to hear as there was still a metal hand gripping his throat, "So, what do you want to pry from me before you kill me? If I told anyone esle what your masters have done? If I revealed the secret to an unending well of magic to anyone? What, usupers? I rather die quickly than grovel at your mercy!" ----------------------------------------------- Mar's eyebrow raised at the words, something was certainly wrong here. She took a breath then tried her best to reason with the boy. However, if things went terribly, she wouldn't have any problems letting Grey finish what he started. "Killing is debatable as I'm still trying to figure out what you mean by masters. We don't serve anyone but ourselves, though since you're being cooperative. What happened here would be a good start." ----------------------------------------------- The boy snorted, or at least, gave it his best shot through the hand on his throat. "That's what the Yarosmerians said to! But I saw through their lies as well. You can't fool me you who-Shut up Father!" His head tried to snap to the side, but merely twitched in Grey's grip. They were lying! And if they weren't they were merely puppets for another of their group! Untold power they promised me! And now they're trying to take it! But I'll make them pay, just as soon as I get these Usurpers out of my kingdom!" His eyes returned to Mar, still blazing purple. "Everything comes with a price. Especially power." ----------------------------------------------- Grey stared, the sheer insanity coming off of this kid was sickening... Still, he had to be patient. Now that he was slightly more confident that the kid wouldn't worm out of this he was more willing to delay his death. "And look where it's got you... surrounded by corpses with gauntlets on your throat.." He said cooly, his stare unceasing. ---------------------------------------------- "And why would a boy like you, need it?" Mar stated, her eyes met the boy's without backing down as she studied his body language, "Your judge isn't clear as you've killed everyone and believe the world is against you. Maybe you should listen to someone else for a change. You have the power to easily kill us, that you've proven, yet you still seem to believe we're some sort of threat." Mar's head tilted to Grey, "He could easily tighten his grip and kill you, but you're still alive. We want to know what happened here. As far as we know, you're the one who's killed everyone. You're the murder." ----------------------------------------------- The boy began to laugh. Gurgle, really as the hands on his fingers refused to relax. "Why would I need power? War is coming, you stupid whore."At that, Althalus made an incoherent sound, his finger tightening ever so slightly on the trigger .The boy continued, unperturbed. "I've seen it, and this village has felt its early effects before I even did what had to be done. Survivors spill in with horror stories. Demons are rising, spurred on by their one true master. The lord of the Inferno is coming, and only one power can stop him. Not the Gods, no. Something older. Something much more...powerful. And it's servants came, found me with my magic, and offered me a way to protect my village. But only for a price." Once again his head twitched as he tried to snap it off to the side. "Yes Beth, you and our parents were a worthy sacrifice! Afterwards, the villagers refused to see reason, and had to be brought to heel! They had to be [i]made[/i] into loyal servants. But the treacherous bastards took it too far. They killed when they should have subdued! But I'll have my revenge. Soon enough." He returned to the original subject, as if that outburst had never happened. "Ask yourself, oh brave warrior who is strangling me, how could I have the powers of a master if I had never had much training?" --------------------------------------------------- Grey seethed, his hands shifting as he contemplated just ignoring Mar and ridding the world of just one more horror. [b]"I don't care..."[/b] He growled, cracking his neck. [b]"Do you hear him?! He's too far gone, We don't really have a choice here!"[/b] He wasn't sure he could hold on any longer, both physically and emotionally. ------------------------------------------------ "Grey, he wants you to kill him. He's baiting you, if he's not willing to see reason and call off his attack then we won't have any choice." Mar stated while she struggled not to let her emotion override her common sense for much longer. This wasn't working and she could easily see it. Either the boy was far too gone or she would have to switch to something...less Naga in method. "And you, what was the reason for protecting the village anymore? Your family? They are already gone and dead. To protect the villagers? You failed to protect them from yourself. For a home? This isn't a home, merely a graveyard and those you swore vengeance against are long gone leaving you to slaughter just like them. They likely wanted you to stay here and kill anyone that came along. Staining your hands to be just as bloody as theirs. Now will you stop the attack or will you continue doing what [i]they[/i] want you to?" ------------------------------------------------- For a long moment, the child was silent. Then he started screaming again. "Fine! Leave! Run into the fucking woods and tell your masters you've succeeded! To the Inferno with this place! To the Inferno with you! I hope Kudd burns you all to death!" From below, the sounds of fighting stopped, replaced by dull thunks as once again dead bodies fell to the floor. "I'm leaving. Try to follow me and I will kill you and send your heads to your masters. You've been spared only once." The boy went slack, eyes glazing over. Grey's armor began to flex with greater force against his will. Iron fingers began trying to peel backwards off of the boy's neck, while his other hand began trying to go up towards his face, matching the boy's movements. -------------------------------------------- Grey certainly felt the additional force on his armor, and while he did say he wouldn't kill him he certainly didn't say he wouldn't harm him. Thinking quickly, he slammed his forehead against the considerably smaller being's forehead, headbutting him as hard as he could (Without slaying him, of course). Needless to say, a blow like that would deal heavy damage to such a fragile person, but that's what healers were for. -------------------------------------------------- Althalus carefully laid his crossbow on the ground next to him, before groaning and stretching his arms. "Thank the Gods. My arms were beginning to grow tired. I [i]still[/i] say it would have been easier to just let Grey snap his neck, or me shoot him. But hey, having his face smashed in by a guard is obviously better." He chuckled. "Who knew that you could be as good at negotiating as you are with simply beating me down with your tail or your tongue, depending on how public it is." He teased Mar gently, before picking up his crossbow once more. "So, you guys up for a little trek in the woods? We have to find our 'masters' one way or another." ---------------------------------------------- Mar rolled her eyes at Althalus after Grey headbutted the boy, the blood gushed from the nose and mouth where the guard impacted. The boy naturally crumbled unable to stand up against the force behind it ensuring there was not likely to be a repeated of earlier events. It made her relax as she pulled her tail from restraining the human, mentally noting the odd strength compared to Althalus, reminding her of only one other that had similar strength. Tyrael or Karnage, his original name. Her eyes flickered to the man for only a moment then decided it likely best to say something. There was something other humans did when they did things not clearly right for the situation and so, she tried to mimic it. At least the best she could. "I shouldn't have interfered but... thank you for not killing the boy. That is the right word, isn't it?" Her body pulled back on her now freed coils, her arm reached for the weapon deeply embedded and tried to jerk it free. Since she lacked strength in her upper body Mar was force to wiggle it out slowly until it came free. She then voiced her own thoughts on the subject. "If the boy was a pawn, and this strong, then the masters will be stronger. This won't be easy. I doubt they will listen so easily if what we learned isn't mad logic." -------------------------------------------------- Grey sighed in relief, glad this was finally over. He stood up as he felt the coils untighten, taking a moment to loosen his arms. He frowned, looking at the boy's unconscious form... He was getting off far easier than he was comfortable... He was brought back to reality when he heard Mar's voice. [b]"Yeah..."[/b] He said with a sigh, picking up the child and throwing him over his shoulder. [b]"He's a lucky one, in a cruel sense. He certainly deserves it..."[/b] He mused, cracking his neck. He listened to her thoughts on the situation, which to her credit were reasonable assumptions. [b]"Affirmative. Likely too strong for us to handle at this juncture. I suggest we head back, deposit this... scum, then rest and regroup."[/b] He said.