"That--," Sophia paused, astounded. "I don't think that was there before, Tim." She had encircled the whole cave just moments before to take pictures of everything. She had not noticed it. But perhaps she had over looked it? It was a large cavern, and it was pretty dark where their light had not shined. "Maybe I missed it," she mumbled more to herself than Tim. She stepped a little closer to the mouth of this smooth, shining hallway, but did not go in. Sophia felt a little unsure about it. Moving back to stand beside Tim once more she turned to look at him and asked, "What should we do? Should we go take a look or head back?" She was a little worried that if they went too far and the hall split off into branches they may get lost. That and the fact that they had already come so far that if something were to happen no one may find them until it was too late. She watched Tim, wondering what he might say.