[b]Alexis[/b] "injury?" Alexis asked before he realized the monster said it was the lead physician "WAIT WHAT???? YOUR THE MEDIC HERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" slowly his aura claws started to pull back into his aura without him realizing it was ever up to start with. Suddenly the ship made a move to the right as the helmsmen was avoiding the first barrage of enemy turret fire, making Alexis fall towards the monster doctor's arms. When Alexis opened his eyes and looked up to the giant monster he pretty much turned whiter then baby blue (which is really light compared to his normal blue skin) while he swallowed his saliva. "t.. thanks" ----- [b]Isaac[/b] Isaac grinned at the AI's comments "lady, your alright, dont worry, your an ally so I wont even attempt to touch you, well at least not in the bad way" he chuckled at his own little joke, though he doubted the AI would get the joke, most AI's dont get humor and especially a dirty joke like that seeing their programming pretty much never understood the underlining meaning of such comments. "but yeah I am electric immune and I can understand the technical remarks just fine" he grinned again "anyway, I hope you keep my existence a secret, like I said, we have had our problems that resulted in keeping our race a secret, if you like I can make a robot body or something for you so you can roam around the ship and outside if you like?" ---------- [b]Volray[/b] To his relieve she also greeted him with a salute, acting like the event just before did not happen. "Some rest would be ni..." he tried to answer to her question when the ship suddenly jerked indicating the official lift off. He was surprised how he was able to keep his footing, guessing he had to thank his tail for it, as he captured the woman when she fell onto him this time, her head hitting his chest. "owie" she said, owie? This girl dressed like a security member said something cute like that???, now that he thinks about it, she also blushed before, well not that he cant understand that seeing where his hand was, but to see a security member blush due to that and not act all tough... It was surprising, in a good way, to meet a security member who acted cute like that. As he slowly let her go so she could stand on her own again he tried to ask her if she was fine when the ship once more made a sudden move, shaking the ship to its right, sending him once more out of balance, this time tripping over each others legs he fell onto her again. "seriously again" he said to himself due to the constant falling over. as he opened his eyes he looked right into hers right before him, the only thing that prevented them from bumping heads, or possibly lips where his arms as he subconsciously moved them in front of him, this time he felt both her globes in his palms, worse he felt his knee against her crouch. "uh..." was all he could say, afraid to move and well... touch her more, he did not know how to move from this position without putting pressure in bad places, though those thoughts were quickly pushed out of his mind when he suddenly became aware of multiple pains in his chest as the spikes on his upper arms had slightly pierced though his clothes and skin. Quickly he jumped up, not thinking about the position at the moment in order to move his arms from his chest, small droplets of blood showed on his damaged clothes, it was not much and the spikes had not dug deep, but it still hurt. He looked back at the woman, realizing that he had suddenly jumped up and likely moved his knee in a... well lets say bad way, bad based on the fact that she was a security member and such inappropriate actions were not that nice on security members... but at least she seemed fine, flustered, but fine making him feel relieves the spikes were pointed at himself and not at her this time. "s... sorry" he simply said putting his arm behind his head and looking way... this felt awkward....