Oh, hey! [hider=One of PlatinumShink's characters] Minaka Tayumu is a fox-girl for a Princess Resurrection roleplay. A two-tailed kitsune, she bears the burden of the reputation of her supremely evil mother and therefore seeks out one of the royal siblings willing to take her in and support that one to victory so she or any other kitsune doesn’t have to fear in the future. - Upon being turned male… Are there any male Kitsunes? Dunno. In any case, it wouldn’t really trouble her all that much. He’d be shocked, but… in the end, it wouldn’t change that much in her life. He’s still on the run, still seeking (or serving), and otherwise. If there are no male kitsunes (I don’t remember any) then he could use that to his advantage in order to boost his own value for the royals. Though, he’d lose any ability to charm men which he’d earlier have used to its full potential. And it would be troublesome if he ran into the boy who he fell in love with as a girl. In fact, he’d probably avoid that meeting taking place in the first place, since it happened while he had charmed him as a girl… Haha… … Something like that. [/hider] Minaka Tayumu would have turned into Minaki Taiyo! That would be funny. lol