Tim continued to stare into the hole, scratching the back of his head again, thinking of what to do. On one hand, he really wanted to crawl into the hole and find out where it goes. Or at least see how far in it goes. On the other hand, however, that exact scenario is the perfect setup for any horror movie that ever existed. This was a very strange scenario to be in, but it was also incredibly exciting for Tim. "Okay, I dont think you understand just how much I want to crawl into that hole right now. It looks crazy cool, we could make new discoveries, it would be a great first outing in five years, yes? But...like...okay, I also don't want to die, and theres a very real possibility that we could get murdered by some sort of monster. This is a very hard decision for me. What d you think we should do?" HE turned to sophia, arms crossed over now. "I think we should both decide."