I'd love a Shikamaru! And I'm getting my CS up right now so this post will be edited over the course of the evening to accommodate that. Sorry for the eff'ing delay but hey it was my first week back to college so I don't have [i]that[/i] much to feel sorry for since I can't really change real life to allow for hours of free time online but so far things aren't too heavy, it's just the long days of reading/writing/commuting. Well I have to head out for a bit but I'll be back tonight to finish this. >__> [b]General[/b] Name: Sakura Haruno Age: 12 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Straight Blood Type: O Birthday: March 28 Good Trait(s): Caring, Smart, Energetic and Honest. Bad Trait(s): Stubborn, Sensitive, Uncertain and Anxious. Hobby(ies): Personal Quote: History: Clan Info: Not a very high standing clan Clan Name: Haruno Symbol: [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ninrp/images/5/51/Haruno.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121009191457[/img] History: Kekkei Genkai: Looks and Appearance Ninja Information[/FONT] Village: Academy Graduation Age: Rank: Chakra Element: Databook Stats -Ninjutsu: 1.5 -Taijutsu: 1 -Genjutsu: 3 -Intelligence: 3.5 - Strength: .5 -Speed: 1 -Stamina: 1 -Handseals: 4 -Total: 15.5 Jutsu's Name: Rank: Type: Effect SAMPLE POST (2-4 Paragraphs) CHARACTER DIRECTION (3-5 Paragraphs) This is essentially where do you want to take this character? How do you wish to differentiate them from Canon going forward? DID YOU READ THE RULES? 18, yo.