Name: Ildrun Freyar (The first name is a variation of a Norse name I found meaning 'love again', the second name is a nickname composed from 'Freyja' and 'arr' meaning 'lady warrior') Age: 23 Race: Nord Class: Sword-fighter (Skills: One handed weapons [swords in particular], heavy-armor, and a bit of smithing) Appearance: Ildrun is five foot seven, she has dark-orange hair usually worn in a ponytail or a bun (especially when she is wearing her helmet), green eyes and light-tan skin. Her eyes are slightly smaller than most peoples, her nose is fairly normal and her lips are a a bit small though her mouth is of a normal size width wise. She has freckles going from her cheeks across her nose. Due to her constantly working on her swordsmanship she is fairly muscular, though with a still obviously feminine build. Personality: Ildrun is rather quiet and reserved, often only speaking when need be, which makes her seem like she doesn't care. She likes practicing her sword skills and will often go through drills. She has some interest in reading but she isn't very literate and has a hard time with big words. She is also kind and caring, which can be seen in her when someone needs help (whether it is physically or emotionally). In contrast to her caring nature, she is rather easily annoyed and if you are threatening a friend or innocent, you better be ready for a sword coming at your face. Bio: Ildrun was born in Whiterun. She grew up quite the tomboy, roughhousing with the other kids and whatnot. When she was old enough to hold a sword she would go and practice whenever she could, whether it was with guards, soldiers or her uncle, though mostly her uncle. She learned much in the way of sword fighting, but has had little practical experience, the most being when she has had to defend herself from the random skeever. This has made her swordsmanship more fancy then practical. Because of this she had become desperate to join the army or go adventuring, though she was always stopped by something, usually her family begging her to stay. Finally with the death of the Dovahkin and the incursion of the Dragons, Ildrun has set out to join the Dovahfeyn, despite the pleading of her family for her to leave Skyrim with them. Though they do not approve of her course of action, they gave her supplies for her trip to High Hrothgar in concern of her safety and told her to be careful. Equipment: Ildrun has a steel sword and steel armor, she also has a backpack with stuff for traveling, like dried food, a bedroll and such.