[quote=Sturmgeschutz] We're a platoon going up against hundreds. Even if we secure major success in our little counter attack, it's a bit like the Third Reich invading Russia - sooner or later we'll get bogged down by their superior numbers, take losses we can't afford, and then inevitably we'll be retreating all the way back to Heraklion with our tail between our legs. [/quote] There's Rethymnon that needs to be considered too, which would under the same situation as here, and the Rethymnon-Heraklion corridor was in action shortly after Chania was being attacked by the Germans. I suspect the current setting of the RP takes place between the two cities in the Rethymnon-Heraklion sector, but it's hard to tell because the crude map is very, very crude. I can't tell if the two line that's running east-west is a road or a river, which makes attempting to orient everything I'm doing especially awkward and difficult (and I believe it is showing in the quality of my posts and length of my last). I found a landmark I could use to orient myself while researching the area but in true style I lost it. There's only so many ways I can describe the same scrub-land hills before getting myself bored and lost. [img]http://www.mackeyinc.com/images/Travel/Greece%2011_06/Crete%20countryside%20goats%20on%20hill.jpg[/img] Though I do suppose I could add goats and amuse myself with that.