The first thing John heard was sound. The soft continious sound of tall grass being manipulated by the wind. The inconsistent tweets of the birds flying over head. And the very faint but existant voice of a man. Next was the sight. John's eyes cracked open slightly, allowing the bright sun light to sting his eyes. He was slowly awakening. Soon he eventually began to move his arms and legs, pulling his torso up to look around. He saw nothing but a wide open feild...perhaps a humanoid figure in the distance but he was too far away to tell. He tried to remember the last thing he saw...the last place he was. All he remembered was locking the barn door back at home, when he got a terrible head ache and sat down before passing out. Which raised the most prominent question; where was he? Standing to his feet, he suddently remembered his hat - somehow that hat had stuck with him through everything and he wasnt about to lose it. Miraculously, the hat was resting on the grass, right near where his head had been. Taking slow and large strides, the confused Marston made his way through the tall grass and closer to the figure he could faintly see in the distance. When he began to near the figure, he decied to call out to it. "Hello?"