![](http://i59.tinypic.com/34qmghz.jpg) **Name:** Jeraur Kindlespark **Age:** 24 **Gender:** Male **Class:** Performer **Origin: **Uellia **Skills:** -Tiberius Locus: An enchantment Jeraur normally casts under his breath. The initial spell enchants his words, it is released when he speaks a horribly corny joke. At first, it seems just like a joke, until everyone in ear shot Jeraur deems as a threat finds themselves encased in ice from the waist down. *Now that's what you call getting cold feet.* -Soporo: Beginning with the original incantation, Jeraur sings powerful melody that will cause those in earshot, friend or foe, to begin becoming drowsy. This is due to the fact Jeraur begins depriving them of oxygen, which will cause them to pass out after too long. This typically leads to Jeraur himself becoming drowsy because of the sheer amount of energy it takes. It's often an ability only used to sing a group of restless friends to sleep. -Argentum Loquela: Another under-the-breath incantation Jeraur favors, it gives a pleasing tint to his vocals that aids in persuasion. Those who aren't familiar with his quick tongue are easily fooled, those who aren't suspecting his silver tongue at the moment are easily fooled, those who are suspicious are much harder, but with the right amount of time nearly anyone can be swayed. *Nearly.* -Anguis Loquela: A variant of Argentum Loquela, but requires an alchemical aid to release into the air. It's a wind spell that acts as a verbal truth serum. Those he speaks to lose an ability to lie, they don't lose the ability to hide truth with fancy words and circumvention. -Agilis Pede: Jeraur uses a wind rune to heighten his acrobatic prowess with the aid of air lifting him. This allows him to make insane jumps and cartwheels, but sometimes it can carry him too far, leading to some more than clumsy accidents on occasion. -Lux Obsidio: A quick flash of light characterized by the laughing matter in which he speaks the words, it's a white wall of light that flashes on for about 20 seconds and obscures vision beyond the wall. -Adamanteus Hit: A rune in Jeraur's guitar creates a magical reinforcement that makes his guitar hard as steel. **Sample:** A typical day inside a tavern normally meant you'd find a bunch of drunks, near drunks, and men with naggy wives, drinking their sorrows away in rivers of spirits and whiskeys and wines. It also meant a sassy bartender and some entertainment. Entertainment would be a performer of some kind... a clown, an exotic dancer, a bard... Someone a bit like our unlikely hero Jeraur. But does that mean you ever see Jeraur in one? HA! Hell no my dear. Jeraur is beyond the trivial pursuits of the mere mortal and the drinking and making merry of men. He's all about traveling the world, performing his little tricks and songs for the occasionally by-passer on the road for some extra money. Of course, if they didn't give him any money forthright, they'd give some to him without thought. Oh deary no... he'd never take too much though. Everyone's gotta live right? Jeraur is man of honor, knowledge, adventure, and bardic sarcasm. He doesn't take too kindly to societal functions and chains, but he doesn't take too kindly to those who refuse society completely either. He's the jester at the noble's court one day, and the cheap trickster in the alleyway a week later. He can be the most noble man you've laid eyes on in one minute, and hold your coin purse in one and a knife to your throat in the other hand in the next second. It's impossible to say one could ever truly be a good judge on Jeraur's moral code and intentions, because he always seems at odds with figuring himself out anyway. Good thing is there's one thing about Jeraur that's always set in stone, and that's his unwavering loyalty to his friends and those who have been hospitably to the needy. Among all these travels and all these misadventures, Jeraur has learned how to defend himself. Thing is, he doesn't do it with the brute force or flashy magic spells... he does it by being slippery, quick witted, and owning the knowledge needed to smack someone over the head with a fancy guitar. A magic spell or two helps, which is why kept under his often billowy or loose clothing is a chain mail fitted with runestones. It helps lead to the illusion that Jeraur has never needed runestones, which often surprises those he first meets. The secret normally isn't secret for long, people are intelligent, but it's fun seeing an initial shock. That's what Jeraur is there for in the first place, to cause questions to be asked!