![-](http://seasideacademy.webs.com/anime_girl_elf.jpg "Belle Appearance") Name: Belle Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Belle is a bit of a tomboy. She is stubborn and cocky to others, however will be loyal to the one who is in command. She loves to mess around with people, often making remarks when someone is saying something on which she just can't resist answering. Mocking people is one of the favorite things she likes to do, however she will only do it when she becomes friends with them. Other than that Belle is a caring person who can easily bond with people, however not always wants to. But she won't push or force anyone, simply because it takes too much effort. If someone doesn't want it, just leave it. She is good at hiding her sad emotions behind a smile, as she never wants to be caught crying. She however can be depressed about something, but doesn't want to bother others with it, and can easily cheer up again. History: Belle's past is unclear, even to herself. The first thing she remembers is that she woke up in a town called Traverse Town. It was told that people, who lost their worlds, would come here. Apparently she was saved and brought to this place. Because she didn't have a home, or any munny to afford a place, she had to live on the streets. Luckily she found a nice little house in the Zero District of the town, people say it used to belong to the great wizard Merlin, not that Belle knew him though. However she also had to feed herself, this is where she began to break laws. She stole food from stores and pickpocket people. She became really good in it and was considered a thief. Not only a thief in terms of stealing from others but also the job Thief that was practiced by some. One time a pirate ship arrived in Traverse Town, the first time they really got contact from another world. They came to buy some equipment, as they respected Traverse Town as a place to take care of people, and not a place to plunder. Belle sneaked onto the ship in the hope of being recruited as a pirate there. Once she was discovered by its captain John Silver, she was allowed to stay but was going to be treated like any other pirate here on the ship. That however changed quickly when Silver became fond of Belle. She quickly was promoted and acted alongside Silver and Scroop as commander of the ship. They had been to many worlds, and her skills kept getting better. But as expected Belle wanted to do something else, she wanted to discover where she was from, who saved her. But she couldn't do this on her own and didn't want the whole crew on her journey. She hopes to discover her origins with her new team of keybladers. Keyblade: ![enter image description here](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/117/2/7/__Yuffie__s_Keyblade___by_AznTranquility.jpg "enter image title here") Other weapons: Shurikens & Kunai's Skills: Skills Support: Alert Defense: Parry, Counter Rush, Reverse. Shuriken Raid (Payback Surge) Magic: Stop, Stopra (Stopga) Movement: High Jump, Dodge Roll, Thunder Roll, (Teleport) Offense: Thunder Dash, Mug, Sneak Attack, Blitz, Wishing Edge, Time Splicer, (Barrier Surge) Command Style: Ghost Dive Summon: Mist Dragon & Cactuar