**_~Levinia~_** **_~Ayero - Ladyl Woods~_** Levi had been following the trio as quietly as she could. It was easy enough, after all it was almost the same as when she was stalking prey. Keep your movements slow, your body low to the ground, and watch for any sort of debris on the ground that could result in unwanted noise. The only difference was that her prey were usually humans or other small pokemon that got lost in the forest at night or the occasional mightyena or other large pokemon. This time though, her prey was an unknown bird pokemon, and she was actually helping humans. The very idea would normally seem absurd to her, but she had convinced herself that if she was going to be staying here for a bit she had to teach this bird pokemon a lesson that she was the queen of this forest. It was then she heard the snapping of twigs, the groan of a tree, a whine from a Vaporeon and the shriek of the girl. Something bad, or at least unexpected had happened. She didn't wish to risk getting close enough to lay eyes on the humans again. That Vaporeon and the one without a pokemon seemed a bit too...attentive of their surroundings. Thankfully, seeing prey even at a distance and through obstacles was easy for a Luxray. Suddenly, the Luxray morphs eyes gleamed gold as she turned her head in the direction of the humans. However, she was greeted with an amusing, but sad sight. The girl, had stumbled into a human trap that was obviously meant to capture whatever pokemon had been attacking the city. *"Sorry, sorry. I didn't see the trap. Could you help before Tidal attempts to cut me down. I really don't trust him to get me down without breaking my neck."* Was this human serious? The Levi let out an annoyed grunt. This girl was useless and shouldn't even be attempting this hunt. At least the other two seemed to be somewhat competent. Competent enough to not walk blindly into a human made trap at least. Helping these humans might just be harder than she thought, but she wasn't one to turn down a challenge, especially when she had to teach that flying pokemon to not mess with *her* forest. Speaking of the bird pokemon... *"I see it! The bird Pokemon!"* Well, maybe not entirely useless. Levi quickly turned in the direction the human had pointed, her golden eyes searching the forest as the pokemon swiftly flew away, her keen eyes easily able to track the Pokemon. A confident smirk crossed the Luxrays face, her powerful hind legs pushing off on the ground as she sped off after the flying pokemons retreating form.