Things quickly took a turn for the worse. As the merchant was just finishing up paying for their toll, Alaira went off and attacked one of the guards. "Goddammit..." He muttered under his breath. The guardsmen than drew their weapons and readied themselves for a fight. The guardsman underneath Alaira's boot had his hands between his neck and her foot, struggling not to get his throat crushed. Most of the guards had an assortment of clubs as their weapons, with only one of them actually using a sword, which was scratched and chipped from regular use. The pale one did not have a weapon, but he simply grabbed his arms and looked sickly at everyone. "Are you a daft bitch?! It's the middle of the day! What sort of vampire would stage an ambush while the sun is out?" The guards were tense. They barely outnumbered the caravaneers and frankly, the wagon looked better funded than the meager guardsmen. The one at Alaira's boot pointed this out. "Do we even look like we could take you people? We got dropped off here a week ago, and haven't been able to so much as leave to take a shit!" The commotion manage to attract another set a visitors. Walking across the bridge were two other people, one in a dark set of robes carrying an ornate staff, while the other was in lamellar armor with his sword and shield drawn. Unlike the other guardsmen, these two looked considerably better. Notably, the robed man's staff had an emblem that wasn't like the ones on the guardsmen, but his was for a Baron much more powerful in the local area. The guard in lamellar, the guard captain, shouted at his guardsmen and the caravanners. "What in the hells is going on here? Why have you attacked our guardsmen!?" While the guard captain was justifiably angry, the robed man looked... Amused. He glanced over at the caravan master and his cargo, noticing Lyn inside and the bear she dropped. Another quick scan towards the others and he immediately took notice of Meirin and her weapon. A light chuckle escaped from his mouth as he continued to gaze at them. Ssarak would feel something go through his mind, but would have been deflected due to his wards. The robed man had just tried to read his mind, and did the same for everyone else.