Jan sat alone, having ditched the other troops and gone off to a secluded Balmorra garden, he had spent his morning meditating as most force user's did. He thought of the others he could have saved at the Sith academy or how he should have at least done something other than running. He finished his meditations and drew his lightsaber, he normally buried it at the bottom of his ammo pack to keep it hidden, but he needs to practice. He was by no means a having only mastered Shii-Cho. He began the movements, he was attempting to teach himself more advanced forms of combat, so far the results looked good but he couldn't be sure. His force powers had seen some use, mostly moving boxes or stealing extra rations from the asshole's in his squad. He finished his training and hid the lightsaber once more, before exiting the garden. He made his way towards the Cantina deciding to go see the others, perhaps play a game of cards. The force often gave him a advantage letting him make some extra credits on the side.