**Name:** Malcador of Arroyo **Appearance:** ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/oIIZncr.png "enter image title here") To look upon Malcador is to see the stereotype of a mage: pale skin from a lack of sun, darkened eyelids from a lack of sleep, and a perpetually stern look from a lack of smiling. Clad in the standard navy-blue robes of alumni of the University of Saint Thomas, always seen on his person are his wand, his spell reference book and scrolls, and his dagger; in that order of personal importance to him. With lean muscles that lack exercise and a thin body, and of average height at 5'8", he is in no way physically imposing. While perpetually under the shadow of his hood, his brown hair is short, not reaching his shoulders, and is combed neatly to the side. His eyes are of a bright teal: a feature he particularly likes. When he blushes, his ears fluster along with his cheeks. For casting enchantments, he has a wand fitted with two runes, one earth and the other fire. **Gender:** Male **Age:** 26 **Origin** Kassingo **Class:** Mage **Skills:** Being a native mage of Kassingo, Malcador is adept in pyro- and terramancy, and his diploma, gotten through years of academic toil under the stern gazes of maestros and maestras at the University of Saint Thomas should be proof enough of it. A bookworm now, transformed as he was by the demands of campus culture, he knows more of magical lore than is required by the curriculum to pass, and with many singed robes and citations on the bulletin boards to show for it, also of application – but only in the controlled, sterile environments of the lumen crystal-lit ritual chambers of the University. While he may not be able to make the stars fall yet – and he’s aiming for that, mind you – he can certainly try to emulate that with a barrage of arcing fireballs. While he may not yet quake the earth at his will and voice, he can take a huge boulder and smash it on the ground for roughly the same effect, if not one that lasts a great deal shorter. Malcador can do mid-level spells very well and has a license to teach elementary-level magic, but his might and knowledge are not yet sufficient for anything further. Being a studious mage, Malcador knows a library of spells, but is particularly fond of and proficient at the following: - _Igneus Carnifex_ – Releases a large wave of heat and flame in a semicircle, enough to set alight a damaging forest fire. - _Ignis_ – Releases a fireball the size of a fist at a high velocity. - _Petra Pupam_ – Creates little clay figures. - _Petrosa Confoderetur_ – Releases large, impaling spikes of rock wherever the mage wills. Malcador accidentally bisected a landing bird with this spell once, and he regrets it. - _Tempero Terra_ – Small-scale, freeform control of the Earth. Useful for hurling a rock to break someone’s skull. Or for other purposes requiring a rock. - _Tempero Ignis_ – Small-scale, freeform control of Fire. Useful for lighting utility fires. The stars are the limit for a mage. Lacking experience in applying magic under times of stress outside of timed practical examinations, perhaps the myriad experiences of adventure can further forge his magical potential into something more concrete? He is not too good with the dagger he always carries with him, as one might expect from a mage. While useful as a tool, it cannot really be considered a weapon in Malcador's hands. **Connections:** Acquaintances with Violet Jurfang. **Sample:** The man, at first glance, is relatively unassuming. A thick robe, dyed in a navy blue color, shrouds him from foot to head, hem to hood, and his face is duly shadowed in part by the hanging cloth. Teal eyes stare out forth, piercing the shallow darkness, and are alight with and energetic with the confusion of indecision. “Well,” he leans back against the table and pulls back his hood, revealing first and foremost a bush of wavy, brown hair with its moderately long locks combed neatly to the side. Pronounced cheekbones make slightly triangular a rather pale face. Lips of a malnourished shade of pink are quickly pursed and wetted as he noticed their being chapped the moment he spoke. Darkened eyelids accentuate the brightness of his irises and imply insomniac nights, in addition to underlining the paleness of his skin. This is a man the Sun doesn't get to kiss often. “There isn’t all that much to tell,” his voice is at a moderate pitch, its monotony hinting at boredom, disinterest, or simple disuse. Shrugging, he continues: “I am Malcador of Arroyo, born to a milkmaid and a merchant in the town of Arroyo as a bastard, hence my lack of a proper surname. Studied for five years here in the University of Saint Thomas, three of which I was apprenticed to Maestro Domino Domine. Graduated, currently am teaching a batch of fresh youths on their first year, and planning to devote my life to the pursuit of arcane knowledge.” Then, he smiles a bit. “Probably because I’ve got no ambitions. I'd actually like to stay here, sheltered in the University, till I get fed up of it for some reason.” The curve on his lips quickly flex straight at the next question. “Hmm? Likes and hobbies? Well,” he pinches his hairless chin with his thumb and index finger, and lets his eyes wander towards the ceiling. “First and foremost, I love reading and literature, be they pertaining to matters magical or not. I also love the arcane arts, for all their risks and dangers. It is power, an overt expression of the usually passive might of our Earth. Other than that, I guess I like… hmm… good food and good drink. Like anyone else, really.” He hears your response, and raises a brow as he places his hands on his hips in a defensive contraposto. “What, not exciting enough for you? Well, what else would you expect from an academic? I’m a mage! But you know what? I think it’s my turn to interrogate. First off: what are _you_, of all people, doing in my room? I have class early tomorrow. God knows I need more sleep.” **Other:** Malcador is a virgin.