> > *Am I doing something wrong with the italics thingymagig? If I put a space in my paragraph it makes the italics disappear all together? I'm really happy for the new changes to the guild but I admit that I'm a little overwhelmed with them!* > > I guess it makes sense for the parser to assume that *this. > > Was not intended to be the start of a multiline italicization that ends here*. > > BBCode is what allows multiline stuff because it's a better assumption that `[i]` on one line matches an `[/i]` on the other. It's one of the reasons I like both Markdown and BBCode - I'd rather write `*hello*` instead of `[i]hello[/i]` in most cases. So it'll be nice to have BBCode back to support more formatting options. *Thanks Mahz! Take care and good night.*