“And that’s our show! Special thanks to Jett for coming on, sharing the story of his break up with Veronica and singing us the hit song off of his new album Sadder But Wiser Girl available June 23rd in stores everywhere!” A blonde woman said and a table of six women and a charming looking young man in the middle waved good bye to the camera as the light clicked off. She then turned to the man. “Did it really end that simply Jett, off camera, really?” “Yeah, the spark just disappeared, there’s nothing left there anymore so calling it quits just seemed to be the best option but I’m far from afraid of being single.” Jett said flashing the blonde a cheeky grin, showing his white gorgeous white teeth. It was ironic with how much the man actually drank that his teeth remained so white, there were many theories and Jett only reminds everyone that if they floss, gargle and brush they too can have amazing teeth. He shot the blonde a wink behind his chocolate colored eyes before rising from the seat. “Ladies, may you all have a wonderful night, I will see you around.” With that he got up and headed out of the studio. Arriving to his car was a bit difficult, a lot of people waited outside to get photos of him and autographs which he was happy to oblige with. Jett’s pull on the human population was always at their strongest when they heard him sing. He could drink anyone’s blood if he wanted to; hypnotizing a woman into thinking she just had a wonderful night alone with Jett Vaskial but that wasn’t what he was looking for. As he climbed into his [car](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/1e/a2/c4/1ea2c4356919c2d34e2d05c96a0ed72b.jpg) after giving the group and wink and driving off. It didn’t take long before Jett made it to one of his favorite bars which was specifically for humans. Part of him preferred to be in a place full of humans but there was still that need to drink. But that was something he could take care of when he got home; either with an escort for the night or some of the bottles of blood he had in his storage cellar. He wasn’t afraid of being around humans but he knew his limit. Parking his car he climbed out and beeped it shut. It was a Thursday night so the bar wasn’t very busy but that didn’t stop Jett from visiting the location. Inside he went and to the bar, “A beer and some fries, I’ll be at the pool table.” With that he shot the girl a dashing smile and he could almost hear her knees buckle before he went over to the only pool table and began to set it up to play by himself. ![Jett](http://s2.favim.com/orig/33/dean-winchester-jensen-ackles-man-smile-supernatural-Favim.com-264901.jpg "Jett")