**Name:** Steven Anderson **Age:** 26 ![Steven Anderson](http://i62.tinypic.com/epmxjq.jpg "Steven Anderson") **Personality Traits:** Surprisingly loud and humorous, bring any attention to him he wants, even though he's never truly sure if he has it or not. A nice guy, just loves to live life and enjoys it. **Little Biography:** Steven had a good life growing up, an only child; money thanks to his parents jobs and friends. A childhood most people could only dream about, until one day his world changed. Caught in a house fire, he helped get his parents out but at the cost of his sight. At the age of twenty Steven was unable to see anything. But that didn't stop him from living life. He became accustomed to his way of life and welcomed it with a open arms and the humorous personality everyone came to understand as his own. He gave up his right to drive but found companionship with his new seeing-eye dog [Rocky](http://www.anythingpawsable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/original-795x350.jpg). It's a rarity to find him without Rocky, even when he goes to work. What does this blind man do you might ask? Well he's a massage therapist. Don't laugh until you've had a massage from someone who can name every muscle in the body and, even though he can't point it out on a chart, he can put his finger directly on the part of your body that you're asking him about. He loves his job, he helps people feel better and loves life. Just... every now and then, his parents get a bit overprotective and stick their noises too much into his life for him to be able to spread his wings. It's worry, sure but he's not getting the freedom he wants because of his limitation to be able to travel.