Golden anklets clinked and chimed, slipping about slender ankles of lilac hue as she danced. Dainty bare feet slipped between cups and bottles littering the bar with uncanny dexterity. She danced to the music of a holographic band, their silver blue, translucent images standing in the corner of the establishment. Her hips gyrated, tassels bounced and while she was both beautiful and talented, drawing the eyes of many but at the same time her and her performance was considered by many seasoned patrons to be nothing more than a piece of furniture. Still she danced on for her master would not countenance any shirking. As his slave she was allowed to rest only when he stated. Pressing her body against a plasteel pole she twined her lekku, the long tentacles affixed to the base of her skull, about the cool metal and gazed out over the patrons of the establishment. Most were soldiers and naval officers, most local folk having more sense than to enter this seedy establishment, and were playing sabacc or were exchanging stories from their various deployments. One or two she recognized as having paid for the privilege of her company. The vidscreen was reporting on the latest events in the war between the Sith and the Republic. It was getting close to their world. A fact that had her master worried. While he would likely survive and prosper no matter who ruled his world he didn't know what sort of taxes or changes the Sith might bring. The local authorities he at least knew and while business could always be better it was stable and prosperous. Then there was a small buzzing at the base of her skull, an electrical current that reminded her against remaining idle. A quick glance out of the corner of her eye caught sight of her master, the owner of the cantina, with his remote. Without any preamble she tore her eyes from the vidscreen and moved away from the pole, swaying to the music from the holographic band in the corner.