**Appearance:** ![enter image description here](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/cc/d3/ef/ccd3efff104b15797fc1ea449ce7bc12.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Adonai Govannon **Age:** 31 **Guild Band:** Adonai follows his wifes Guild associations for the most part, as she is the reason he is associated with them at all. **Archetype:** Aeronaut, Inventor **Backstory:** Adonai was the first son of the Govannon family, a wealthy trading family with a long history in the free cities. Though he had an older sister, it had for a long time been traditional for the business to be passed down the male line of the family. Thus, though his earliest years were much the same as any other infant in the free cities, as soon as he reached his sixth year his father had his education begin. His father was determined that his son would not only take over the business, but should be capable of growing it such that the Govannon family could join the ranks of the dynastic merchant princes of the Free Cities. He would often take his son (as well as Adonai’s tutor) voyaging on one of the trade airships that provided the majority of the family profit, believing that a good businessman should still know what kind of trouble his ships could run into first hand. Though meant for education, the trips had a slightly different effect on young Adonai, who largely went through the motions and nothing more with his education. He rapidly grew to love flying, looking forward to every occasion he could get his feet off the ground. These regular airborne excursions revealed another of Adonai’s interests as well. When he was not on the deck with the wind in his hair, he was in the engine room or admiring some of the other steam driven technology, despite his father's attempts to discourage such dangerous behaviour. His adolescence only saw him gain more means to indulge his interests - the money he was given for personal use was used to buy tutorship from machinists and steam engineers, as well as various parts with which to experiment. He became something of a recluse even then, spending all his spare time in a workshop or on an airship, causing somewhat divided opinions among his family. He made his first working steam engine design in his fifteenth year, though it was quite inefficient and not worth any attempt to sell, it was still a significant milestone. He was nineteen when his father died - murdered in the street for his finery by common thugs, mere hours after canceling a trip on an airship due to the risk of piracy. The death hit the family hard. Adonai’s mother went into grieving and would hardly speak to anyone for months. His sister threw herself into study and work, doing her utmost to maintain the trade network in her father's sudden absence. Adonai himself took the first airship out of the city, embarking on a months long journey in which he did nothing but fly for the sake of flying. Upon his return, he found himself officially the head of the trading company, the family having followed tradition despite Adonai’s well known lack of interest in being a merchant. Adonai did his best to manage it on his own for six months, but the numbers were quite telling as to his capability in that area, profits reaching an all time low after a string of poor decisions. At his sister's insistence, he handed the majority of the administration of the company to her, preferring to honor his father's memory by keeping the company strong rather than doggedly following tradition. With the responsibility of the company finally gone from his future and present, Adonai was finally able to turn his attention fully to his invention. Having come a long way since his first barely functional steam engine, it took him only a year to perfect several easily made modifications to airship steam engines commonly found on the family airships that would make them far more fuel efficient. This contribution, as well as others he made later, secured him favor with his sister, and with the favor came money, enough to continue funding even his more extreme experiments. His experiments over the next several years became more and more extreme, sometimes succeeding spectacularly, other times leveling the building they were in, though he had an uncanny ability to avoid serious injury throughout this time. His mother died when he was twenty-five, and with that his sister became very distant from him, though they maintained the arrangement that saw his experimenting funded. Shortly after this, Adonai began creating the plans for the airship that would eventually be called Zephyr’s Machine. The design, containing experimental engines that would would prove volatile while under construction, was rejected by every shipyard capable of building it that he could find, their engineers not willing to take risks with an untested design. Adonai was quite distraught with the repeated refusals of his design, and one night after heavy drinking, picked a fight with half the bar. A short and furious brawl that spread into the street ensued, and an hour later Adonai was dragged into the clinic of Helen Rondell. She patched him up, and found the plans of the airship amongst his things. After some discussion, Adonai persuaded her to build the airship, with some slight modifications, making use of Adonai’s family resources to do acquire the materials and labor. As the project progressed, Adonai became increasingly attracted to the beautiful and intelligent lead engineer, a feeling which was quickly found to be reciprocated. He proposed to her after knowing her for only a year and a half, though she did not accept until much later, after the airship was finished and she had secured a position on the crew. They were married one year prior to the present day, and it is through Helen’s connections to the Guild of Adventurers that Adonai became involved. Prior to the completion of the Zephyr’s Machine, he provided the occasional experimental weapon or modification of a device to the Guild members, for a fee. Once the ship was complete, he moved more to take high paying courier jobs for them, whether moving people or objects. **Skills and Abilities:** Adonai is a creative and talented inventor, with a mind that thinks very much outside the box. His skillset is quite diverse. Aboard an airship he can fulfill any needed crew role with competency, though not always excellence. He is adept in the kind of combat that occurs between airships, both with the ships guns and the brutal close quarters fighting of a boarding action. Though not remotely as his wife when it comes to mechanical aspects, he is nonetheless competent enough to tinker with most designs on his own, and his theoretical understanding is excellent. Among his mechanical misadventures, he has also picked up the skills required to pick locks, though he could not be considered a master in this field. **Equipment:** Adonai maintains a large collection of equipment on his airship, but there are a few items he prefers to carry while off the ship: His Eyeglasses - not required for his sight, rather with various magnification lenses that can be easily pushed into place over his left eye. A six shot steam revolver and a single shot steam pistol-blade, both of his own making, rarely leave his belt whether on or off the ship. A versatile collection of tools is also often at his side, ranging from large multi use items to very small fine tools for the slightest of tweaks to equipment. Among the small tools is a modest set of lockpicks. **Spirits:** Adonai’s early attempts with spirits ended poorly, and he has avoided personally treating with them ever since. He leaves all things mystical to his wife.