1998 -- Ocarina of Time, dude, wake up. 2002 -- Either Pro Skater 3, Morrowind, or Warcraft 3. [i]Maaaaybe[/i] I consider Wind Waker, too, but I guess I'd rather see OOT or MM on the list from that series (and I'm already bumping Tenchu). 2008 -- Mass Effect or (if we're going for oddball picks) Army of Two. ME is duh. Army of Two recreated co-op play. It's not a particularly significant game, and I didn't play it more than twice, but the first time would've been enough -- non-stop, start to finish, on the couch with a friend. That shit hadn't happened in *years*. Resounding win. Anyway Bioshock was also this year, so we're both wrong, but whatever. 2009 -- a true year of MEH, but my winner was definitely Demon's Souls. I had high hopes for Endwar, because that was a big step forwards in voice controls for RTS -- but it didn't work, sucked, and let me down. If we're honest though Modern Warfare 2 wins every conceptual version of the title, and shame on us. I think Dragon Age started this year too, I could give them a nod I guess. 2010 -- Red Dead, and I don't know why I'm still looking. But since I am, Starcraft 2 was big, and I was all about the Metroid reboot right up until my roommate broke my wii, so that might've turned into a flop. Other than that I can't really argue.