Total PM count is broken for me - it is displayed as 81, when in fact it is nearing 200. Still impossible to access the site via; all cached information has been cleared a couple of times, so this shouldn't be an issue. Do I understand correctly that BBCode/HTML-style tags are going to be brought back? The current system is rather wonky, to say the least (especially for a person who tends to use punctuation rather liberally, especially in OoC posts). Besides, Markdown is *not* unambiguously interpreted. (And hey, why is stuff between two asterixes italicized? Most other places that consider this to be text formatting - say, almost anything Google-related - bolds the text in between instead. And plenty of people I know use this format to signify actions or sounds...) - And if there is one principle I want my text formatting to follow, then it is absolute unambiguity. I don't want to discover that my post has ended up looking weird due to my punctuation habits being interpreted as formatting or the interpretation process misfiring (both of which have already happened in the couple of posts I've made since the relaunch). Markdown has all the disadvantages of a WYSIWYG text editing (such as random parts of text deciding they need to be something else than intended as soon as you do anything a bit less standard ... like press enter), minus the actual WYSIWYG. It is *not* a good system. (Also, give me my asterixes back. I don't want them parsed.) And how do I do text that is both bolded and italicized? **...And why on Earth does this this thing eat single line breaks!?** That - omitting single line breaks - is a crime against all writers everywhere, if I've ever seen one. I have long preferred the line break and tab paragraphing (as seen in books) to the double line break common in many net environments (as the double line break makes especially dialogue visually rather hard to follow for me, atop of simply looking ugly and adding ridiculous amount of scrollable space), and now we have been stripped of single line breaks entirely? Well, be I damned... At least until I get my single line breaks back. Missing the tab key's functionality was hard as is. ...I had one more thing to point out, but honestly I forgot what it was when I noticed it omitting single line breaks in preview. Oh yes, I remembered - the formatting tends to take its time to kick in (I am writing this for a rather powerful PC that typically loads script-heavy pages instantly, Firefox browser). I am aware it it a clientside solution, however the time delay tends to be too significant for comfort - and sometimes the formatting doesn't pop in at all unless I scroll the text out of view and back. (I literally stared at a short OoC note of mine for two minutes, then went to edit the post because I became convinced that if it hadn't popped up by then, the interpreter must have consumed the formatting altogether. The formatting was there all right ... and further observation confirmed that this is indeed how "lazy" the formatting pop-in is. In-thread online markers haven't been implemented (same as forum-view Subscribed-markers).