Uncloaked ![Ordore](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/358/0/3/DARK_by_IIclipse.jpg "Ordore") Cloaked ![Ordore] (http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/267/4/b/cloaked_mage_by_far_east_ghost-d4aro55.jpg) Name: Ordore Igbin Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 17 Alignment: Mage Personality: Ordore is cautious of everyone. Not wanting to trust many people, Paladins Or Mages. He feels if he trusts someone he is gonna get hurt. Therefore he often is alone and observing everyone. Being alone has made him not a talkative person and often avoids civilization. Bio: When Ordore was only 10 years old he realized he was very different from his friends. When him and his best friend Luke were talking about becoming Paladins, both their dreams, Ordore felt a kind of surge. Feeling scared he grabbed Luke's shoulder and then out of nowhere they were about 200 meters from before. Luke jumped back and Ordore knew exactly what he was, so did Luke. Luke, hating Mages quickly turned on him. With both wrestling on the ground Ordore, being the far less physical one, was getting beat on. Tears running down his face another surge was coming. Luke screaming at his "Best-Friend" for being one of them. Ordore's surge happened again. This time, he left Luke behind. Being in an ally way he knew he needed to leave. He found a cloak and ran. Leaving Luke and the city behind him. Running for the rest of his life. Initial spells/techniques: -Teleportation: The ability to travel up to 500 meters away. -Purgatory: To put any hate that's in the area of 500 meters into a target, causing pain, suffering, paralysis etc. (Only lasts 3 seconds, its more of a stun earlier on) -Sunfire Ray: A ray or beam of fire that is so hot it can melt steel Skills: - Hunter - Trap Master - Stealth - Strategist Combat strategy: He is often behind fights. Planning a strategy. Always 5 steps ahead and his plans are Rarely foiled. he uses this to set traps and makes people/animals play his games. Unique equipment: A grayish white cloak. The same cloak he stole when running away. (I have a picture)