Everyone, please keep in mind that the entire website was rewritten from _scratch_. There are guaranteed to be issues, as well as features that haven't been rewritten yet. Stuff like this takes time, and we all just need a bit of patience. Now, to answer some questions: > Total PM count is broken for me - it is displayed as 81, when in fact it is nearing 200. I believe the counter now displays the number of inbound PMs, instead of every single one (it doesn't count your own PMs anymore). >Still impossible to access the site via roleplayerguild.com; all cached information has been cleared a couple of times, so this shouldn't >be an issue. Mahz is working on this, to my knowledge. >Do I understand correctly that BBCode/HTML-style tags are going to be brought back? (and many other formatting questions) Yes. As I said above, not everything has been re-implemented yet. BBCode will be back soon (presumably after more important things have been taken care of, but I can't say that with certainty since I'm not mahz). As I said before, we just need some patience here. >Oh yes, I remembered - the formatting tends to take its time to kick in (I am writing this for a rather powerful PC that typically loads >script-heavy pages instantly, Firefox browser). The formatting is rendered when it shows up on your screen - it doesn't instantly render, because first it needs to detect that it needs to render, then actually do it. This will be fixed whenever mahz is able to find a good solution. As for it not working _at all,_ that's news to me. But again, that should be resolved once mahz finds a solution to it. >In-thread online markers haven't been implemented (same as forum-view Subscribed-markers). I think you get the idea by now.