@Laue: Ah, so you're saying I should basically make it a ball of light that is conjured, and not imbuing it into objects? In order to get rid of the part of the object having to break apart for it to work? I suppose that can work out too. I was thinking that the object was just used as an instrument in order to more easily concentrate the light energy instead of having to manually stop it from dissipating in the air. And the part where the object shatters and shards fly around like a frag grenade were just an after-effect. Though like I said, I guess just making a ball of light could work too. Alternatively, the object could be used, but when it breaks apart, it just does so harmlessly with large pieces of it falling to the ground as the flare stays in mid-air. Unless of course you're saying that Luminosity shouldn't be able to do that in the early stages at all. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm pushing this, it's just that my character's theme revolves around Luminous enchantment. But if it doesn't work, I can just stick to the regular light ball. What are your thoughts on it?