Name: Myles O'Malley Age: Twenty-one. Sex: Male. Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") Personality: Myles, within the friend group, takes on the corresponding characteristic to Savrina's motherly personality trait-- he can be quite paternal. He wouldn't be surprised if their friend group lovingly called them mommy and daddy. He is protective, considerate, and always willing to give advice. Myles however is also considerably fun-loving, loud, outgoing and straightforward. He won't be afraid to sass you if you step out of line-- but this doesn't mean he is rude and insulting. There really isn't a mean bone in his body. Flame color: Green, and this green flame can turn into a giant flaming crocodile. It's name is Selym, and Selym, though owning the ability to turn into a man-eating reptile, speaks in small, hushed tones and is extremely shy. When not carried in a lantern, Selym takes this form: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") And this is Selym's lantern form: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")