@Rultaos: The way I figured is that the spell has enough force to simply violently destroy an object, like a sword. If that's the case, this is way too powerful for an initial version of the skill. And concentrating energy through an object in order for it to be more powerful sounds awfully like a Focus, which is also an advanced technique which will become available to characters a bit later on in the story, as they get more powerful. As for my second character. --------- ![Eddy](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/211/e/4/skilled_sniper_by_satibalzane-d595dcw.jpg "Eddy") **Name: ** Edward ("Eddy") of Ashenos **Race:** Elf **Age:** 98 **Alignment:** Mage **Personality:** Above everything else, Eddy is loud and hot-headed. He has no patience for such things like manners or tact. And this has gotten him into trouble countless times, and yet, he continues to speak his mind loudly, no matter what. Those who can tolerate his brutal honesty find that Eddy is a rather good person. He is loyal to his true friends - after all, out there you can only trust each other. Though very few people are considered his true friends nowadays, as "friends" have left him (figuratively) burning before. Eddy knows that various strangers most likely will seek to use him, and so he will do the same, and they can expect no more loyalty than they themselves offer. **Bio:** Eddy does not know his parents. He never did. He was found in the wilds by some hunters, who lived in a remote and small village, outside of Altea's civilization - the village of Ashenos. Eddy proved to be a natural with a bow, and at the age of 16, he discovered that he was also a mage. Luckily for him, no Paladin appeared out of thin air to capture him. Nor did the villagers care much - it could be an useful tool to survive the merciless wilds when mastered. One day, a group of bandits settled in nearby. The poor village was made as a target for extortion. When the thugs came to "negotiate", Eddy simply told them to "go fuck themselves", which prompted an attack on the village. Although there were some casualties, Edward's magic and skills with the bow helped Ashenos to drive out the scum. Not willing to wait for their retribution, the hunters each parted ways and abandoned the village. In the following decades to come, Eddy experienced it all. Running from the Paladins, smuggling, caravan raiding and even some assassinations within The Undercity. Over the years he had quite a few true friends, though most of them eventually died in this dangerous line of work. He experienced quite a bit of betrayals as well, usually when it's time to share the loot. So Eddy has learned to be careful around his "teammates". And now, he's heading to another small village near the edge of Altea's civilized frontier - The Misala Village. Rumor is going around that someone is searching for a group of mages for a very specific, dangerous, and extremely well paid job. Even if turns out to be a trap or a hoax, it is a good idea to check it out. **Initial spells/techniques:** - _Flame Crash_: Eddy shoots a ball of fire skywards, leaving it floating high up in the air. At his command, it will come crashing down to the target location. - _Fireball:_ An ageless classic, Eddy has learned this one from a spell tome he got in The Undercity. While he is yet unable to use anything but the most basic form, throwing an exploding ball of fire at someone is still extremely effective. - _Trailblaze:_ Once activated, this spell will leave a trail of fire in his footsteps. Used as a means of "kiting", moving backward while attacking with fireballs and arrows, and hampering the opponents ability to chase him. Eddy can create a flame trail up to 10 meters of length, and flames last for a minute. **Skills:** - _Survivalist:_ Eddy has a bow, a trusty knife, and an endless supply of fire. As well as the knowledge to use them. Living of the land is what he has done for most of his life, and it is his second nature. - _Experienced Hunter_: Eddy has hunted some quite nasty critters, avoided others. Either way, when it comes to wild beasts, he knows nearly everything. Unless it's an creature mutated by a Scar. But he learned to avoid those. - _Herbalist:_ As an extension of his survival skills, Edward has learned a great deal about herbs, especially on how to treat various wounds and sicknesses with them. Or which ones could be used for venom or poison. If Eddy tells you not to eat those berries, you really shouldn't. - _Complete utilization:_ With a beast slain, no part of said beast should be wasted. All it takes is a knife and a know-how, and a beast's carcass can be used for far more than just meat. **Combat strategy:** Eddy, being an archer, prefers to stay at range, showering his opponents with arrows and an occasional fireball. To keep his opponents on the edge, he leaves his Flame Crash up in the sky, waiting for the opponent to take the wrong step. Eddy's favorite strategy is forcing an opponent to dodge either his arrow or his fireball only to be hit by Flame Crash immediately after. Trailblaze allows his to keep his distance from melee attackers and slow down their advance. **Unique equipment:** None. All Eddy carries is either bought in Undercity, stolen or made by himself. All of which makes their quality rather questionable.