Jericho nodded to Duncan and then led the way out of the old air raid shelter back outside through the public bathroom that their new headquarters connected to then out into the city. Unfortunately, Jericho had been forced to leave his scythe behind because of it's size, and admittedly it would be his luck that one of few soldiers to have survived the comm tower would be here visiting or something, but he carried two pistols in substitute, not willing to be completely unarmed in case the two of them found trouble. "Alright, so where to secure provisions..." During the train ride over, Jericho had spent a considerable amount of time familiarizing himself with Timber and now he had to decide which places that had provisions would be the best choice. On one hand, they could just hit up a store, pay for their provisions, and head back. But they were faced with two problems with that. The first was they could be counted as new by anyone who didn't recognize them, and they hadn't worked on a cover story if someone asked them what they were up to. The second was they would need to make multiple trips to get enough provisions. "So Gracelyn. How should we go about business?"