Quicksilver stood at the edge of Sunbright Technologies' building and looked out into the night sky towards the spot lights that danced in the air at the ball-drop. Before the incident that changed him, he'd always watched the New York City ball-drop on TV with his girlfriend and dreamed of going to see it with her live. He shook his head in disappointment, liquified and drained into a sewage grate. The tunnel was tight; so tight that if he'd made himself whole again, he wouldn't have been able to walk through it. He slithered down the tunnel, deeper and deeper in the dim light provided by grime covered emergency lights. Eventually he came to a drop off, which he poured over into a pool at its base. He rematerialized and climbed up a ladder leading to a door sealed with an intimidating ID station. He glanced it over and realized that it's original intent had been to have employees give a hand scan and use a regular key to open the door. Quicksilver chuckled and put his hand on the door knob. Within seconds he'd liquified and worked his way through the tumble mechanism and out the other side into the underbelly of Sunbright. Unlike the wet cement and hazy light on the other side of the door, the Sunbright side was clean as could be with simple fluorescent lights that led down the hallways. Lights in the respective labs and offices were all off, as no one was here this time of night, but there was a gentle glow from sleeping computer monitors that made the place still feel alive. Quicksilver made his way down the hall, looking for his target. He'd researched the company for some time, after hearing word that they'd covered up dumping residue and failed work in a privately owned landfill just outside of the city, near its watershed. There was no telling what the filth might do to the water supply, given the variety of fields that Sunbright worked in; regardless of what it was, it needed to be stopped. Suddenly, Quicksilver became aware that he was not alone. From somewhere on the floor, he heard movement and the subtle buzz of working electronics. He flattened out against the floor and tucked up tightly against the wall in a long tube of dark silver. Snaking his way just a little further, he found its source; there was a man in one of the rooms standing by two metal capsules, spray painted with something. _Interesting_, he thought to himself. Pulling himself into a tight puddle near the entrance of the room, he flung a small piece of his liquid down the hall. A mouth rolled out of the tiny droplet and directed itself back towards his greater self and the person in the room. "I don't know what you're doing, but if you give a good answer, I might help."