**Name:** Miriam "Mimi" Garmen **Age:** 25 **Sex:** Female [**Appearance**](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dIEKqW0IpG8/Tzxw9PlDdQI/AAAAAAAAEeI/MPJ63imzqdE/s1600/bb_tanyatagaq.jpg) ###### (Seen here in the middle of a song...) Much more averagely-sized than her little brother, Mimi has a similar olive complexion and straight black hair cut very short. She has large, dark brown eyes, an obviously wide mouth and a couple of patches of missing pigment similar to Mitchell's (one near the small of her back and the other encircling her left ankle). **Personality:** Do you know the kind of person who fills up a room just by standing in it? Her directors love it, they say she has fantastic stage presence, but in other situations it's obvious that she's a little overwhelming. Mimi is _very_ loud, and _very_... big. She's always dreaming out loud, so to speak, telling people about plans and half-baked schemes, as well as discussing the finer points of performance (often breaking out into song in the middle of a conversation just because she can). A few people are able to shut her up, though, including her brother. He doesn't always have much to say, but when she's around him, she tries her best to calm herself. After most of a childhood having only each other to talk to, she knows well that when Mitch _does_ say something, it's usually something she wants (or needs) to hear. Between shows, she usually works as a bartender, but (as she often says) the stage is where she was born to be, darling, and she's always performing somewhere, for someone. **Flame color:** Purple; Mairim ("mare-um", but Mimi calls her Maiflower) has a similar personality to her bearer: big ideas, big emotions, big voice and big ego. She'll egg Mimi on constantly, always confident that her magic will keep them both around no matter what happens. After all, why be careful when you can always be healed?