> I never thought there was a gold standard for geeks to measure against, since geeks are generally intelligent enough to choose their own interests to become geekily focused upon. > > PS. However, membership here on this site certainly qualifies you to be one almost instantly. > By OP's definition all geeks'a rebels, because all of us are going to lack interest in something that another geek posses interest in. :/ Can both of you give me an example of how Doctor Who is not watched by nearly one hundred percent of the geek community. Seriously it's like the one show that almost every geek watches, if that's not the standard then I don't know what is. Also by the fact that fanboys bash things that don't understand or know shows that there is a standard for being a geek, like Batman being the standard for fans of DC. The fact that you can be called gay for liking certain geeky things that other geeks don't prove that geeks have their own standards especially now that the community has become huge.