[b]Name:[/b] Blackout [b]Age:[/b] Unknown, possibly millions of years. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://idigitalcitizen.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/1920x1200-blackout7.jpg]Blackout[/url] | [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/Final_Combat_Mission_of_MH-53_Pave_Low,_Sept._27,_2008,_Iraq.jpg]Blackout Vehicle[/url] | [url=http://www.pycomall.com/images/P1/Scorponok_Transformers_Robot.jpg]Scorponok[/url] [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] Cannon [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Transformers (2007 live action movie) [b]Personality:[/b] Blackout has been described as the “hound” of Megatron. This stemmed from the fact he was always looming behind his leader, silent and waiting for his orders. His specialty is in tracking down and eliminating targets that his lord Megatron designates, and he will not stop until they are fulfilled. Another facet of Blackouts personality would be his distrust in his comrades, as he constantly is trying to detect plots against his leader. Although the massive Decepticon may seem far from stealthy, he can be quite sneaky at times. He is very skilled at using his companion, Scorponok to fulfill missions or eavesdrop on enemies. [b]Abilities/Weapons:[/b] Blackout often fulfills the role of a transport for his comrades due to his large size. For this reason, he is very well defended. He is armed with a missile launcher, flares, 2 arm-mounted Gatling cannons and two Energy cannons, a chest-mounted laser cannon, as well as the ability to disrupt electronics via EMP blasts. He also can detach his tail rotor blades as a close-combat weapon. He also carries the Cybertronian scorpion, Scorponok. He usually sends his companion out to hunt down any survivors from his attacks (please note that Scorponok is currently not with Blackout at the moment. He's still hiding in the desert where he was defeated). When forced to, Blackout has no qualms using his arsenal combined with his massive size and stature to completely overpower his opponents. [b]Backstory:[/b] Once a member of the Cybertronian Defense Force, he ended up becoming one of Megatron’s most trustable soldiers. After Megatron left to pursue the Allspark, he was placed under Starscream’s command. He didn’t get along with the air commander, as he viewed his superior to be a threat to his true leader. In a way, he was very right, as Starscream had no interest in trying to locate Megatron. As the Decepticons arrived on Earth, Blackout eliminated several bases and attempted to hack into the local Earth’s defense systems in order to locate their leader, who had landed on the planet hundreds of years ago. However, his infiltration was interrupted after the base commander cut the hard lines to the server, cutting him off from his leader’s location. He proceeded to eliminate the base, and even launched Scorponok to hunt down a small group of survivors. Later, Blackout took part in the battle at Mission City, and attempted to kill the human boy who was carrying the Allspark. He then fell back for a short time, before coming to his master’s aid as he fought the Autobot leader. However, as he was focused on targeting Prime, the human soldiers that Scorponok had failed to kill managed to finish him off, along with the assistance of some human jets. He then collapsed the ground as his spark failed and he went offline ... or so the Autobots/humans believed. [b]Faction:[/b] Shadow Eternity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Brawl [b]Age:[/b] Unknown, possibly millions of years. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/239/f/e/Brawl___Transformers_by_Rhanubis.jpg]Humanoid form[/url] | [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/2/28/Brawlmovie_tank_activision.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070612150818]Tank form[/url] | [url=http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachments/creative-general-discussion/27202357d1293705394-transformers-movie-project-brawl03-1.jpg]Size comparison[/url] [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] Canon (AU for where he doesn’t die) [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Transformers (2007) [b]Personality:[/b] To say Brawl is a warrior is like calling Cybertron a hunk of metal. Brawl does not just enjoy fighting, he is consumed by it. Tearing Autobots apart is embedded into his very core, and every fiber-optic cable of his being is obsessed with wild, unyielding combat. The only thing he enjoys, or even cares about, is the fury of battle. And he loves a good explosion. Particularly if it's one he created, and if it's an Autobot that is exploding. While it's not uncommon for ambition or independent thinking to cause trouble in the Decepticon ranks, Brawl's never had that problem. This is mostly because he suffers from a severe lack of both qualities. Where others question orders, Brawl simply carries them out, perfectly happy to let his superiors do all his thinking for him. [b]Abilities/Weapons:[/b] With the ability to transform into a M1 Abrams tank, Brawl is quite armored. In fact, he’s probably the toughest Decepticon on Earth during the film. He takes numerous hits from both human and Autobot weaponry, and either it bounces off his armor or he shrugs it off. Brawl is almost always the most heavily armed combatant on the battlefield. He’s armed with four missile launchers on each shoulder, cannons on his back, a machine gun on one of his arms, and a long cannon on the other. He also has twin blades one of his arms, to deal with any annoying opponents who manage to get close. [b]Backstory:[/b] After locating the Allspark and Megatron, Brawl was among the first Decepticons to respond to Starscreams orders. After joining with their comrades, they pursued the humans fleeing with the Allspark, and cornered them in Mission City. Their attack began with Starscream, disguised as a human fighter jet, and unleashed a salvo of missiles on the human/autobot force. Caught off guard, one of the Autobots was disabled and a few humans were injured. Taking advantage of the confusion, Brawl charged straight in. He unleashed a few shots at the Autobots as they sped away for better cover. However, Ironhide charged straight at him. As he was busy trying to swat the Autobot fly in front of him, another suddenly appeared on top of him. Jazz and Ratchet had taken to the sidestreets, and managed to surprise him. Transforming out of his vehicle form, he threw the Autobot on top of him into a nearby building. At the same time, he tried launching a few missiles at Ironhide. However, Jazz had distracted him enough, and Ironhide’s cannons and Ratchet’s saw both did quite a bit of damage. The Autobots had managed to disable one of the missile launcher pods on his shoulder, and also cut off his arm. Not that it stopped him! A few moments later he was back up and shooting again. Of course, it was likely from his master appearing that he even managed to live. As the Autobot Jazz was taken, the others had fallen back. Once he recovered however, he re-engaged the human soldiers. This battle went on for a while, mostly to his advantage. He kept them suppressed with heavy machinegun fire, and was sure to win. At least until the yellow Autobot scout arrived. It was being driven on a tow truck, and coupled with the now rallying human soldiers, he was forced to fall back. Severely wounded, he was about to be rendered offline until Blackout arrived and relieved him. The massive warrior held off the attackers until both of them could retreat. Wounded and leaking Energon, things were looking bad for Brawl. With Megatron and most of his comrades dead, he fled the city and went into hiding. As much as he hated it, he knew that being offline was worse. It was during this exile that he met up with an organization that promised him an even greater chance at destroying things. Of course, they were no Decepticons, but it was better than nothing. [b]Faction:[/b] Shadow Eternity --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Soundwave [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/thumb/b/bc/Soundwave_Prime.jpg/300px-Soundwave_Prime.jpg]Soundwave[/url] | [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/40/2590313-tf219_exclusivesoundwavecomputeractivatingsatellite.jpg]Soundwave[/url] | [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/4/4c/Prime-soundwave-2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110321151504]Vehicle form[/url] | [url=http://i.imgur.com/EqU47zX.jpg]Laserbeak[/url] | [url=http://i.imgur.com/tLtQZOl.jpg]Laserbeak[/url] [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] Cannon [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Transformers Prime [b]Personality:[/b] Soundwave's most defining characteristic is his total, unsettling silence. He could speak, but chose not to as a testament to his ability to keep secrets and as a vow of silence. Besides his silence, he was also very loyal to Megatron, and constantly used his skills and abilities to intercept plots against his master. Spending years doing this has caused him to trust very few people, and he's constantly evaluating his peers for any signs of betrayal. However, Soundwave is not an asset on loyalty alone. He is concise and pragmatic in all his endeavors. If he doesn't harm something or someone on a mission, to call it mercy would be to lie. If the action is not relevant to the mission, he will not make it. However, pity those who are his objective, as he will utilize all his resources to track them, and will almost certainly succeed in finding them, which usually is not the most pleasant of experiences. Soundwave is excelant at obtaining and witholding information. He is not fazed by almost all forms of torture, and is willing to go so far as to send himself into a coma and erase all his memories in order to keep information confidential. If he is ever heard touting his superiority, it is likely that he is relaying a fact, and not gloating. [b]Abilities/Weapons:[/b] Looks can be deceiving. Such is very true for Soundwave. Although he appears skinny and fragile, he is an incredibly dangerous opponent. He fought for years in the gladitorial pits in Kaon, and was only ever beaten by Megatron by a thin margin. He often uses his second pair of "tentacle" arms in unison with his armored main arms to disable and destroy opponents. His main arms block and stab at the foe, while his more frail tentacle arms wait for an opening to pin down and throw his enemies. These extendable arms also can drill holes, shoot lasers, generate electricity, and hack into terminals. In a way, they are far more useful than his regular arms. However, it's not just on the field of battle that Soundwave is impressive. He is a walking database, and has amassed a huge amount of data on various subjects. From the profiles of every enemy he's ever fought, to every communication he's intercepted, Soundwave catalogs everything. Not only that, but he also is a master at hacking computers and databases, and can intercept communications on a planet-wide scale. He can display all this on his visor, which is his main form of communication. However, these tools pale in comparison to his pet that has almost become his symbol. Laserbeak, a cybertronian minicon who is used for both information gathering as well as defeating opponents. The condor-sized bot is stored on Soundwave's chest, and is almost always receiving and sending data between Soundwave. Not only does he act as a relay for Soundwave, but he can also store all of his data, so if he loses it all, it can be re-uploaded by Laserbeak. When used in combat, Laserbeak is often overlooked, allowing him to sneak in deadly surprise attacks that disable and destroy opponents. [b]Backstory:[/b] [url=http://transformersprime.wikia.com/wiki/Soundwave#Season_1](Go here for more info on Soundwave)[/url] For years, Soundwave remained trapped in the Shadowzone. Constantly watching his universe progress. However, eventually, he had had enough. Waiting for a spacebridge to open, he attempted to activate his own groundbridge near it. He hoped that it would create a similar effect to when he was trapped originally, and freeing him from his prison. However, it had a different effect. Instead of returning him to the main dimension, it launched him outside his universe. From there, the confused spy met up with some organization that called itself "UMMA", and became one of it's agents. With no Decepticon faction to be loyal to anymore, he dedicated himself to the UMMA. [b]Faction:[/b] UMMA