**Real Name**| _Mira Aione_ **Character Name**| _Asuto_ **Age**| _14_ **Gender**| _Female_ --- ![](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/9a/ca/b4/9acab4e54de6ebf30610c7222da72ed5.jpg "") Height - 4.11| Weight - 94.3lb | --- **Beta Tester?**| _No, Mira was never really a 'gamer'. She was a casual bookworm, supressed in words._ **Personality**| _ Mira considers herself a lonely person. She tends to stay away from people and do her own thing, reading. She casually stuffed herself in books, attempting to be disconnected from society, and...she succeded. Though in a game like SAO she is free, careless. She is the person who is strong and willing. She doesn't feel 'betrayed' nor 'judged' in a game. Its almost as of everyone there has the same pain as her. With other people she is very supportive and naive. Due to her abuse and bullying she feels as if people online can help her. Mira also has a great deal of knowledge thus she may or may not use absurdly large and almost udefining word._ **Brief Background** _Mira isn't talkative. She expresses her personality and actions by books. She always stuffs her face in books, not thinking of others as to her they are simply not important in her class. In her past years shw has always been 'smarter' than usual. Friends weren't needed for her. Her parents barely knew parts of her life as they did not seem to care, working too much on paper work or...trips. Miras' parents always seemed to be angry with each other or simply...didn't want to talk. Though, even if non cooperative with each other they give some kind of attention...to Mira. Miras parents were supportive at times and when they weren't there she handled things smoothly. Mira's non-caring ways seemed to lead to name calling and even when they were talking about her she'd always seem to not care but..truly inside she was breaking apart, losing it as she gets close and closer to...suicide. Though....gaming always seem to cheer her spirits. In the virtual worl she seemed free, unlocked by the chain of judgement. In a world where she could be strong and willing. She was really careless and naive, tending to trust players more than she should and even at the toughest times she would always be calm._ **3 Main Skills** - One Handed Straight Sword - Leather Equipment - Reveal **Special Skill** _Ninja no u~iru (Ninja's Will)_ _Though, unknown, this ability allows the user to show extreme acrobatics and increased martial arts. This skill was given out to the player of who logged on as the 55th user and that was Mira. The user would be given a faster boost in acrobatics and martial arts. Thus the user does not have to do the 2nd floor quest in which gives the martial arts ability. The skill itself gives acrobatics at a new level as the user can look at walls..or anything that is climbable by a simple switch in modes, giving the player increased sight is detects areas of the objects of which is climbable. The martial arts has no certain ability of its own, just giving the user a faster lvling in that ability._ **Other skills** - Search - Tracking - Hiding --- **Weapon** [Anneal Blade](http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Anneal_Blade) **Armor** [Ryuko's-Custom](http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/205/8/3/sao_oc_by_hatorikumiko-d5ianz2.png) _It was made, special. made at the blacksmith's shop 'Ryuko'. Thus gaining the name._ **Play-Style** _Support_ **_ ### MAH MILKSHAKE BRINGS COOOWS _**