_"Are ya ready guys!? PUT YA GUNS ON!"_ Name: Date Masamune, the One Eyed Dragon Age: unknown, early 20s Gender: Male Appearance: ![Date Masamune, totally historically accurate](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/s__/images/4/4e/I%27m_good%2C_real_good..png/revision/latest?cb=20110515010635&path-prefix=sengokubasara "Date Masamune ") Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon Universe of Origin: Sengoku Basara Personality: On the battlefield, Date Masamune acts as an arrogant, brash warrior who treats battles like a giant party. Although he will have respect for people who prove their honour as a warrior - not strength - that rarely stops him and his army from being one of the biggest showoffs on the battlefield, often charging down AFTER ensuring they have everyone's attention. Off the battlefield, however, the one eyed dragon is careful, contemplative and thoughtful, often listening to the advice of his right hand and strategist. Masamune always remains loyal to his men who in turn are loyal to him. Abilities/Weapons: Expert Swordsman - as a Samurai, Date Masamune is highly skilled with swords. His personal style involves the use of three Katanas on each hand, giving his own, unique, unorthodox style the nickname "Dragon's claws." Basara - a term given to a great warrior of the time. As a 'Basara', Masamune is able to perform great feats of strength and speed, with an aura (blue, in his case) forming around him in correlation to the amount of power he is utilizing. The Date Army - his loyal army that would follow him to the depth of hell and back - and have once done so, having taken up arms against the demon king of the sixth heaven Oda Nobunaga. Leading them is Katakura Kojuro, nicknamed the "right eye of the dragon" Backstory: Born as the heir of the Date Clan, Masamune lost his right eye in early childhood due to smallpox - determining it to be a potential weakness in a fight, he ordered Katakura Kojuro to gouge it out. Leading his first battle at the age of 14, he took over the Date clan at the age of 17 and participated in the Sengoku battles among the many Daimyo of Japan to unite the land. Faction: Neutral