Rather than getting a verbal reply to his offer, Quicksilver was offered bullets. _Yeah, I'm not dealing with this right now_, he thought to himself, lengthening himself in a tiny thin tube of liquid along where the wall meets the floor. He heard the man in the room resume typing frantically and talking to himself--or to someone on the other end of a communicator? _Time to leave. They're going to have enough trouble as is._ Quicksilver slithered as quickly as he could with increasing momentum towards the door he'd come in through. He'd had his offer declined, rather harshly, so he had no problem kicking up a little trouble for the man with the strange eyes. With great speed, he formed himself into a dense sphere, like a cannonball, and knocked down the door, tearing it from its hinges and sending it tumbling to the bottom of the sewage pit. An alarm started ringing out and echoing through the wet tunnels from the open once-doorway. Quicksilver used this as a queue to get out quick as could be. --- From outside, the Sunbright building was now lit up with alarm lights. _Serves him right_, Quicksilver thought. With this escapade having happened, the company was likely to be in a state of paranoia and disarray, making the hours of research into habits, procedures and policies of their security completely useless. It was more than likely with this break-in, that they'd now completely rework their security. Quicksilver put his face in his hands. It hadn't been easy to get the materials to learn the patterns in the first place. With his mission ending in failure, he decided he might as well try and enjoy himself while he was in Millennium City and made his way towards the ball-drop. He might've missed the ball drop and he might not be able to hang around the crowds for very long, but he could at least take in the joy on the faces of other people from afar.