[img]http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x429/tsurara_12012/main_setsura.jpg[/img] name: Chai Lingkang age:turned 15 three days before everything happened grade: 11th personality: kind, she is a mother-like figure for everyone in the school, but if you mess with her...she can freak out even the freaks bio: when younger she was know as "the queen" known and feared by every thug and yakuza because of her brutal fighting style, she dedicated to her studies after her brother was killed in a street fight a year ago, later that year she became the studdent council president. plans for grayz: make it a peaceful place freak or normal: normal, even so she shows no fear agaisnt them and is able to handle them in battle other. -it is know she carries a wooden sword and chains with weights (manriki) under her clothes. put I'll survive the GRAYZ