Thovren Whistled softly in appreciation at what he saw. Most land drones were crawlers because they were more stable and able to move at faster speeds. That and walker drones were notoriously hard to keep balanced when damaged or forced to run, or just have to move with any fluididty and speed. But what he saw on the hologram was a very good start. It was a stiff but it moved very well had had a lot of agility for a drone, a walker no less. It had potential. What he would give for a day alone with that machine, taking it apart and putting it back together again. Do that once and he was confident he could build himself a workable knockoff. "Drones are only ever remote controlled, and they all come with at least rudimentary AI. You will never find a physically piloted combat drone." he said bluntly and emphasized the word 'never'. He wasn't intending to be rude, but he was to focused to try and form his sentances into delicate works of art either. He was certain he was the only one in the room with a hope of understanding how this bloody thing worked. So he might as well start them off with the basics. He was too busy studying the image to care about anyone else in the room but words were reaching his ears, even if he was only half paying attention. "that defeats the very purpose of a drone. It is designed to carry out simple instructions independently of manual control." He focused on the hologram instead f the ice sculpture, his gaze was intently fixed on the beautiful image. "Even when someone takes, more or less direct control of a drone they do so through programming." He knew this piece would have state of the art AI, or at least that's what the company was probably planning to insert into the drone. It would be able to respond and obey to its subscriber with reasonably intermediatly complex orders. It probably had reasonable self preservation programming and attack protocols. It certainly outstripped anything he currently had in his van. Or anything he currently had the spare parts to make. Hell it outstripped most of what he knew was on the market. Not everything, but many combat drone models. "It probably has the best security firewalls and codes the corperation can afford. It will most likely try to attack, and it will be strong, not to mention whatever weapons they decide to attach to it between now and then." he sighed and leaned back into the chair, still starring hard at the hologram. "Overriding the subscription will be tough. I'll need to be right next to it to take control." It would be a brutally hard subscription to override, but he was more than willing to try.