> Avatars overlap with text (or "slide behind" text) in narrower windows. > > I sometimes appear to be randomly logged out when I have "Remember me" ticked. Including when I haven't even closed the browser in between. > > Still sometimes cannot access the site via roleplayerguild.com. (Caches cleared.) Links frequently try to direct me there rather than the alt domain, which means that I frequently end up on (or even am forcefully redirected to when trying to write into the address bar) the "If you're still seeing this" page. 1. Thanks for letting me know. I'll put some more effort into mobile-sized views again tonight to fix that issue. I'll try to be better about checking for mobile-device compatibility before I deploy. 2. I can't do anything about that "If you're still reading this page"/"Stale page" issue. Quick explanation of DNS: Where `roleplayerguild.com` points to on the internet is data that is cached by every ISP and their ISPs for different lengths of time instead of having to repeatedly ping my DNS record every single time someone navigates to roleplayerguild.com. Once their cache expires, they look up my DNS record and cache the new value. Sounds like your ISP's caches are slowly updating, just not all at once.