> [center][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/0/6131/190973-gordon1.jpg[/img] > Name : Gordon Freeman > Age : 43 > Skill : Theoretical Physics, Moderate Marksman. Master with the crowbar. > Preferred Weapons: Crowbar, Assault Rifle, Pistol > Personality : He's the strong and silent type, doesn't say much because he doesn't need to. He's mysterious and dark, but will always try to do the right thing before anything else. His judgement is not perfect, no man's is, but he does his best to make the right choices. > Brief Bio : Gordon grew up in seattle and at a young age became interested in theoretical physics; his childhood heroes were Einstein and Hawking. He went to collage at M.I.T and graduated with a Ph.D in, you guessed it, theoretical physics. He was offered a job at a research facility for a company called Black Mesa.[/center] Keep in mind that this RP takes place in a relatively realistic setting and generally shows like Breaking Bad or video games were things that were around before the apocalypse. So, technically, people could see your character and literally think Gordon Freeman has come to life. BUT, I guess we can hand wave Half-Life not existing if you really want to use his name/appearance. I'd just change Black Mesa to some other random company name.