**Name:** Void Federation **General Galactic Location (If Applicable):** Galactic North **History:** The Void Federation draws its origins back to the planet of Ardanis II founded 365 years ago, one of the few “independent” colonies that existed as a sovereign entity briefly in the early days of Human expansionism due to a mutinied colony ship setting off to parts unknown. On Ardanis II a mere 40 years after its initial colonization an ideological rift developed among the colonists on the subject of Transhumanism. One side which would be come to be known as the conventionalists advocated the outlaw of the increasingly common augmentation procedures and cloning that the other side known simply as the Transhumans embraced. This friction began as small incidents and slander but as time went on the conventionalist dominated parliament began to turn a blind eye to incidents targeting Transhumans and tension built among those that were truly unrepresented. This tension finally broke in the ‘Burning of Hasar’ where gangs from both sides engaged on what can only be called total war causing billions in damage to the capital city and initiating a power struggle under the shadow of mass civil violence. It would be another five years before the killing died down with the conventionalist gangs and militias reigning supreme. The slew of violence while caused by both sides allowed propaganda to firmly place the blame on the shoulders of the Transhumanists and what few representatives had survived from the faction in the government were forced to resign. Now in complete control and drawing on a public rage laws were passed that in essence outlawed millions of people and designated them as non-persons. The majority of the Transhumanist population by law couldn't even legally exist on their own world and regardless of mass protest nearly half the world’s population was deported on ships, many of which were decrepit and used in the initial colonization. Not long after the Conventionalists lost their 'purified planet' to a local power named the New Human Union which absorbed it. The NHU was a nearby state that experienced a blast of growth before economic and functional pressures of its new found territory destroyed it and Ardanis II became a backwater not long after. As to the Transhumanists who were left soured by the great injustice they would become nomads for a time, avoiding Human worlds entirely until their fleet was well assembled enough that a new colonization became possible. Seeking a safe haven far from so called ‘civilized’ space the fleet set out far into the galaxy and found a rogue world far from any star with a vast subterranean ocean under its rocky surface. Settling the world some 305 years ago the fleet stopped and created great cities under the rock drawing water from the ocean below and keeping safe from prying eyes. In time this world became known as Promise, the first world that the people would be free. From the cold world of Promise once more ships set out, but this time they set out in hope. Moving to other nearby rogue worlds and one system the former Transhumanist faction established the Void Federation. Loosely bound but with a parliament consisting of representatives from every world the VF would continue down the expansion to desolate rogue worlds while under the façade of their few systems. As the VF grew in secret Transhumanism became an expression of identity among its inhabitants. Cloning, Cybernetics, Genemods all these practices thrived and were completely unregulated, being used with abandon. In time Cybernetics became the mainstay of the VF and the modifications used became almost like clothing. This open and free system is often credited for keeping the peace between the various peoples of the VF and it was the direct legacy of the hatred for conformity and the forced expectations that grew on Ardanis II. Now the VF holds an amount of systems including one that poses as the capital. However in secret a great many rogue worlds have been settled and the VF has built up a considerable secret military presence. **Culture:** Culture with the VF is often very oriented to self-determination and as a result the only real laws relate to violent offenses. In terms of augmentations they have played an enormous role in culture and have given rise to virtual worlds that due to increased brain processing speeds are often used at the same as ordinary reality by those with the correct implants. These virtual worlds have been used for everything from entertainment to security and compose the vast majority of nonphysical recreation activity. Humans in the VF often place a larger emphasis on friendship than direct family as many clones and other machine born individuals lack family entirely. Often a biological family is considered a small part of one’s life compared to smaller or larger created families. This has led to the social structure within the VF being somewhat alien to many Humans. The attitude to Humanity itself however is on the whole somewhat sour. Education and cultural institutions often demonize most Human factions regardless of the fact they had no involvement in the events that led to the first nomadic fleet. Still this attitude has spawned a popular school of thought within the VF that its citizens are no longer Human beings but rather distinct subspecies created through augmentation. This perhaps is not so far from the truth. Tough wildly diverse the number of Symbionts and pure AI citizens as well as any large number of highly altered genemods and almost entirely machine individuals makes the claim of the VF being a Human state dubious. **Technology: ** _Instant Printing _ Instant or “flash” printing is a sort of 3D printing where all construction is done in less than one millisecond. Instant Printers are a common sight in all civilian and military aspects of VF space and are used for everything from food to munitions. Instant printers are not the most advanced construction technology in VF space but they generally are the most widely used as their simplicity makes them easy to use and easy to fix compared to significantly more advanced machinery. _Nanomachine “Paint” _ While commonly called paint the Nanomachine coating used in VF construction is something significantly more potent. It is a coating of specialized Nanomachines that after being added to a materiel can manipulate it and itself to self-construct the rest of a larger structure in the presence of other coated parts. As a result VF ships can self-repair; using Nanomachine paint to replace parts destroyed by battle or if the damage is very extensive cannibalize other unimportant parts to make more Nanomachine paint to fix the important ones. Nanomachine paint however is used in a smaller civilian role too, all construction not covered by printing has been supplemented by “part dumping” and allowing Nanomachine paint to quickly assemble the parts. This has made VF industry extremely efficient. _Neutron Cannon: _ The Neutron Cannon is a powerful energy weapon that works though a simple means. Stripping neutrons from high atomic number elements through the use of a powerful Neutron generator and forcing those highly concentrated neutrons as well as the associated products into an accelerator that fires them at relativistic speeds. The Neutrons in this state are free and as a result they are underdoing neutron decay further increasing the impact energy of the weapon. Despite its already fearsome potential the Neutron Cannon focuses its energy through the use of a containment beam. Needless to say this increases the precision and destructive potential of the weapon significantly. There also exists another type of Neutron cannon in use with the VF, this one utilized on the ground. In this smaller mounted weapon the same process as is used on ships is utilized. High atomic mass elements are stripped of neutrons and the cannon accelerates the free neutrons and other products while held in by the containment beam. However the difference in the ground variant is obvious enough, the destructive potential is considerably reduced simply because the beam must be slower and smaller in order to stay within power generation capacity. While the weapon is less useful than others in some atmospheres the other weapons used by the VF army more than compensate. _Directional Plasma Window_ The DPW is a magnetically confined plasma field is projected in the direction of the enemy vessels or around the entire vessel to block enemy weapons fire. Weapons being fired out of the field are allowed to pass due to tiny holes that open equal to the size of the exiting projectile and that follow its course so it can pass through the shield. Though the shield has an extremely small chance of incoming fire entering through these holes that exist for bare fractions of a nanosecond the armour of VF ships is usually enough this chance is acceptable. _High Mass Ablative Armour_ The physical armouring of VF ships is unique in that it can be much thicker than most other factions due to the high ship mass to low crew ratio of VF ships. Thus the first layer of VF armour is often an incredibly thick and ultra high mass ablative armour to absorb impacts from energy weapons and kinetic weapons alike. _High Atomic Number Stable Armour_ Often the second layer of VF ship armour HANSA is composed of various high atomic number elements existing on the island of stability. The main role of HANSA armour is radition protection however some of these elements by sheer mass are incredibly effective armours when alloyed with more impact and heat resistant lower atomic mass elements. As such HANSA is a multi-layer design that alternates between alloyed and pure high atomic mass elements. _Biologically Integrated AI_ Often called Symbionts individuals made with an integrated AI are two distinct intelligence's inhabiting the same body. Though the dynamics of how it works differ a great many VF citizens are Symbionts and they are uniquely capable of tasks far beyond what is capable for others. As a result the military is primarily composed of Symbionts purely because their skills are highly valued in the role. _Quantum Entanglement Communications_ The main form of communication in the VF, QE communications are secure and faster than light allowing for the use of drones in both space and land combat. QEC has been developed for years and the level of miniaturization now possible allows it to exist in very compact packages. **Naval Forces:** _Expanse Class Multirole Command Ship_ ![Expanse](http://i.imgur.com/iOUgyFx.png "enter image title here") Crew: 100 Length: 5000 Meters Diameter: 500 Meters Armament: 1 Spinal Graser Battery, 46 Main Neutron Batteries, 64 Secondary Maser Batteries, 448 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 212 VLS Tubes Complement: 2200 Crag Drone Fighters/Outcrop Fighter Bombers, 700 Drone Transport Vessels _Valley Class Fast Battleship_ ![Valley]( http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/045/c/2/space_cruiser_by_novaillusion-d4porxo.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: 78 Length: 2200 Meters Armament: 2 Inline Spinal Graser, 56 Main Neutron Batteries, 78 Secondary Maser Batteries, 630 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 314 VLS Tubes Complement: 500 Crag Drone Fighters/Outcrop Fighter Bombers, 20 Drone Transport Vessels _Mountain Class Multirole Cruiser_ ![Mountain](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs29/i/2008/164/2/6/Finned_Cruiser_by_MK01.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: 65 Length: 1200 Meters Armament: 32 Main Neutron Batteries, 46 Secondary Maser Batteries, 230 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 112 VLS Tubes _Abyss Class Attack Destroyer_ ![Abyss](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/298/6/3/chronicles_of_man_wiomarc__h_class_3d_commission_by_adamkop-d5hbnnm.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: 32 Length: 680 Meters Armament: 9 Main Neutron Batteries, 32 Secondary Maser Batteries, 76 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 74 VLS Tubes _Crater Class Fast Destroyer_ ![Crater](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/266/a/9/transit_ingame_render_by_cold_levian-d2zbvwp.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: 35 Length: 540 Meters Armament: 8 Main Neutron Batteries, 28 Secondary Maser Batteries, 66 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 58 VLS Tubes _Archipelago Class Support Frigate_ ![Archipelago]( http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/207/5/2/concept_ship_ursus_by_questionspark-d7sbd02.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: 20 Length 380 Meters Armament: 2 Main Neutron Batteries, 6 Secondary Maser Batteries, 60 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 42 VLS Tubes _Trench Class Attack Frigate_ ![Trench](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/325/4/5/Starship_Concept___Kerberos_by_MK01.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: 12 Length 250 Meters Armament: 4 Main Neutron Batteries, 8 Secondary Maser Batteries, 22 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 16 VLS Tubes _Taiga Class Patrol Corvette_ ![Trench]( http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/086/c/1/bertaeyn_federation_corvette_commission_by_adamkop-d5zh58t.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: 4 Length 120 Meters Armament: 1 Main Neutron Batteries, 4 Secondary Maser Batteries, 12 Maser Point Defense Turrets, 8 VLS Tubes _Outcrop Class Drone Intra Extra Atmospheric Fighter Bomber_ ![Outcrop]( http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/144/9/9/drone_by_brotherostavia-d66epyl.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: None Length: 22 Meters Armament: 2 Mini Neutron Cannon, 2 Mini Maser Guns, 32 Guided Missiles. _Crag Class Drone Fighter_ ![Crag]( http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/330/3/a/hunting_drone_color_by_vanishin-d33ms4w.jpg "enter image title here") Crew: None Length: 18 Meters Armament: 1 Mini Neutron Cannon, 3 Mini Maser Guns. **Ground Forces** _Primary Combat Drone_ ![PCD](http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/022/0/e/drone_04__the_sniper_full_sized_uncropped_by_mikejensen-d4nb85n.jpg "enter image title here") _Heavy Armor Drone_ ![HAD](http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/131/d/1/mt_4a1_liberator_by_steamtank-d7i1qq1.jpg "enter image title here") Main Gun: 150mm Railgun _Close Support Gunship Drone_ ![CSGD](http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/252/f/d/a_61_mantis_gunship_by_chestymcgee-d2ydpa9.jpg "enter image title here") Main Guns: 4 Mini Maser Guns, 12 Guided Missiles _Artillery Armor Drone_ ![AAD](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/348/e/7/heavy_tank_by_flaketom-d4j3phc.png "enter image title here") Main Guns: 250mm Railgun _Rocket Artillery Armor Drone_ ![RAAD](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs14/i/2007/047/3/5/Tank_1_by_astrokevin.jpg "enter image title here") _Arbiter Ground to Space Cannon_ ![AGiSC](http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/282/b/b/artillery_by_leonovichdmitriy-d826y97.jpg "enter image title here") Main Guns: 1 Neutron Cannon