> Okay so Mahz, I've got the signatures toggled to off, but I'm still getting signatures, I have tried and retried but to no avail. > I'm on my smartphone if that makes a difference, also the aforementioned avatars being left of text is fixed though very few people have avatars now, do I need to re-add mine? 1. Oh man, already see my dun goof within seconds of opening the template. To determine whether to display a sig, instead of checking if the person viewing the sig has `hide_sigs` on, I'm checking if the post's creator has `hide_sigs` is on. ([source](https://github.com/danneu/guild/blob/83148a82b9a65194d9a179b4e7c558532b63c04d/views/show_topic.html#L238)) - I'll fix after work. 2. Since I'm not hosting avatars on the guild (file-upload is a bit too much work right now), I couldn't think of an easy way to import everyone's avatars. You'll need to upload to a host like and copy in the direct link. I may host a page that links usernames to their old avatars from the old server if it turns out that people miss them.