**Real Name (Optional):**Chuck Lorens **Character Name:** HounderHowl **Age:** 27 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** ![enter image description here](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/339/2/5/untitle_by_achillesliu-d5n4s4a.jpg "enter image title here") **Beta-Tester?:** No. **Personality: **Serious **Brief Real Life Background:** In real life chuck worked a job which requires a lot of labor. He'd always been a very frugal man, and usually kept to himself except for a small group of friends. In the real world he'd been the jokester always having something to say and generally the life of the party. Though not very tech savvy a close friend of his managed to snag the pirated version of SOA, after chuck spent an afternoon bribing him. They were both logged on when they became trapped and after losing his friend Chuck slowly lost the humor in his life. **3 Main Skills:** Long Sword, Medium Armor, Speed **Special Skill?:** **Final Wind:** This skill is initiated after a two minutes of combat, doubles speed for thirty seconds. minute cool down. **Other Skills:** Fishing, Tactics, Tracking **Current Weapon:** ![enter image description here](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/db/00/ab/db00ab1e20ac1707bb184658a644ad52.jpg "enter image title here") **Current Armour:** Same as Appearance. **Play Style (Optional):** For now Lone wolf/Aggressive. I love milkshakes Also, I don't know the code for hiders yet. Also,Also Im posting here and my one in char sheets is a place holder now.