[center]35[/center] --- Well, seeing the demon's reaction wasn't all that she hoped for. He was like a stick in the mud... a big bunch of boring. He was attractive though, she'd give him that. Evelynn walked back to the main hallway but did not take the route back to the main hall. Rather, she went forward and walked her way to Amalia's office because her own meal could wait. Amalia had, after all, wanted Evelynn to check in with her after she had led the Sages to their towers. She knocked once before opening the door, and she nodded at Amalia then took a seat on the side of the room, bunching up the lavender material of her dress so as to not ruin it. "Alright, I have done as you asked, Amalia. They are safely at their towers-- or they should be-- and I even told them that if they needed anything, then to come ask me. I really don't see why I have to be at their beck and call anyway..." She shrugged and relaxed against the back of the chair, idly playing with one of the rings on her left hand. Amalia shook her head and crossed her arms as she looked at Evelynn, it seemed that she still didn't understand that what was asked of her was done for a reason. "Evelynn, you are not at their beck and call, you need to be with them as much as possible for the simple fact that you play an important role in what must be done. I've told you that before, so why are you still fighting me on this?" The Warlock watched the young Vampire as she waited for her response, keying in on her body language, she may act tough, but the Headmaster was aware that it was just that, an act. "I've been around for a little more than 300 years, Amalia. Sometimes, I like my boredom to be enterained by me, myself, and I. What was I supposed to say? 'Hi, my name is Evelynn, and I'm your new [i]friend[/i].' Please. Knowing the nymph, she won't want friends, the elf-girl just seemed quiet, the elf-man is hidden behind his armor...Besides, I've been a vampire for so long that I've lost any connection to Tellus or being an elf." Her red eyes suddenly seemed to acquire a longingness in them, and it broke her facade for a just a second before the harsh look returned. "But yes, I will do as you wish. I suppose then, that I don't have to take up their dinners for them as well? I mean, they all have legs, they can walk to the dining hall," she said, smirkng as she said the words. "That Elf girl and you have something in common afterall Evelynn, neither one of you has friends," she said, "That is all I want for you, you know? I want you to be able to be happy with people who you may just have some things in common. Summer is... an odd case much like you are, Elves rarely become vampires just like Elf and Shifter children are so much more rarer. As far as dinner goes, I would like you to just escort them to the dinning hall, at least until they memorize the route themselves." "Do I really have to?" Evelynn asked, almost pouting a bit. "I mean, I have to eat as well. Can I at least take my meal to go from the kitchens? Or perhaps just take a small snack? ...Like that demon," she muttered under her breath. A sly smile lit up her face once more as she recalled the exchange with the demon-man. Aegar, was his name? Something like that. "Anyway, I better go then. Is there anything else you wanted me to do?" Amalia smiled slight, "Yeah, you can always ask Summer for a snack if you wanted to, as I recall from watching, she volunteered as you left." She smiled a bit before shooing Evelynn off. "Elves don't get me intoxicated like demons do, but I'll let you know how she tastes as well! Ta-ta!" Evelynn called behind her as she swept herself out of Amalia's office and to the kitchens where a wine bottle full of fresh blood and a glass was given to her. It wasn't the same as sitting fown for a meal, but it would have to do under the given circumstances. She stopped for a moment and opened the bottle to pour some of the drink into the glass. It looked a healthy dark red and the aroma was simply to die for; it was probably one of the elf volunteers who supplied the blood this time. Walking leisurely to the tower area, she was met by Calixta, who was almost running past her. Rather than stopping her, Evelynn just raised her glass in the air and called out, "Nymph, dearie, I'm supposed to collect you for dinner. If you know the way, then gods, don't bother me with that. Just run along." Calixta turned back, pausing slightly before nodding and heading off in the direction of the dining hall. Evelynn continued on, first entering the far left tower. She assumed Aegar would be there alone, but she came in anyway, loudly banging away at the door. "AEGAR, SWEETIE!" she called out, making her voice an odd mix of sarcasm and sultriness, "If you want to eat something, you can follow me back to the dining hall or you can just go back by yourself. But that nymph friend of yours wandered back already!" She took a long sip of the blood in her glass and walked out, rudely leaving the door ajar. The next stop was the tower of Earth and Light. She did the same as when she had called Aegar down, not really bothering to actually fetch each individual but just calling for them. They were bound to hear her. Leaving the door open as well, she exited and came to the far right tower, preparing the same speech to get the inhabitants to come down. Evelynn walked up slowly, taking her time now because she was really enjoying the blood that was given to her. What were the Sages' names again...? Oh yeah. "DAMIEN! SUMMER!" she called out a bit loudly, impatient for the last two to acknowledge that they heard her. "Food. Eat. Downstairs and stuff. Just come on!" She waited a bit before turning around and exiting their room as well, leaving the door wide open just as she had the others. Evelynn contemplated waiting for them, and ultimately decided that she would... but only at Amalia's direction. She took a seat near the entrance of the curved hallway, lounging once more and relaxing, drink in hand.