Jurgen listened carefully as Professor Nova spoke. The guy seemed like a crazy motherfucker. Apparently this was all just science to him. And he clearly lacked all the right morals too. He was the perfect scientist. Just crazy enough to try anything, and unethical enough to enjoy watching the results. Apparently Eve was a battle droid, so the plan to get her into the arena was playing right into his science-y hands. The professor claimed that the android could be turned into a housewife, but Jurgen wouldn't believe that even if he managed it. The robot was too independent, and too blood-thirsty to be a capable housewife. Then Eve chimed in with a question of her own. This guy was not only crazy, but had access to either unlimited money, or unlimited resources, and likely both, considering his answer. And that only raised more questions for Jurgen. "What two basic laws are those?" he asked quickly, wanting to know what was governing Eve's actions. Maybe then he could get inside her head and trick her into doing things. Or maybe the trick was just to order her to do things. The cyborg didn't know how to feel about all that. He was still trying to get over all the weird crap that had just happened. He could cope with it, sure, but he was going to need some time to realize that this wasn't all some elaborate hoax to mess with his head. "And can you be more specific about the tech you used?" he added as an afterthought. The more he could get out of this guy, the better, he figured. Knowledge was power, and in the land of the illiterate, Jurgen was hoping to jump up a few rungs...